𝟷𝟺. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚍

Start from the beginning

"Oh, that's right," Jennifer said letting out a chuckle. "Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Y-yeah, I probably do it during my lunch hour. That way I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense." Jennifer said letting out some more chuckles making me roll my eyes.

"Where's my dad?" Stiles with teary eyes. "How should I know?" Jennifer said looking at Stiles before turning to face Derek. "Derek, tell me you don't believe this." She said to him before Derek took a glance at Stiles before looking at her. "Do you know what happened to Stiles's father?" He asked her. "No," Jennifer said shaking her head. "Lie," I said angrily.

"Ask her why she almost killed Lydia." Scott asked her, "Lydia Martin? I don't know anything about that." Jennifer said making me scoff. "What do you know?" Derek asked her angrily.

"I know that these boys and girls, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story. And one they can't prove, by the way." Jennifer said looking at us and making me smirk before looking at Scott. "What if we can?" Scott said holding up a jar with a mistletoe.

"What is that?" Jennifer said with a scared voice. "My boss told me it's a poison and a cure, which means you can use it and it can be used against you," Scott said before I saw the look on Jennifer's face. "Mistletoe?" She said before Scott threw it at her as she started to change and change again making me look surprised along with the others.

I hear Jennifer breathing heavily as she looked at Derek before she wanted to run away but I used my powers on her. "Mittent," I said as she was up against the wall I looked straight into her eyes. "Do you think we would let you go that easy? Just throwing you some mistletoe and seeing what you are. No." I said angrily as I started squeezing my hand.

"Wait, wait," Jennifer said pleading for her life. "You need me." She said making me laugh, "as if." I said angrily. "What are you?" Derek asked her. "The only person who can save your sister." She said.

"Call Peter. Call him!" She told him and that's when he reached into his pocket and he started to dial Peter's number and placed it to his ear, "How is she?" I hear Derek saying through the phone.

"Mistletoe." I hear Derek saying to Peter right before he hung up and looked at me which I took as a sign before squeezing my hand and making her breathless. "Katherine, Katherine, what are you doing?" He asked me as I gripped my hand tighter. "What I should've done when I saw her in that classroom," I said to him.

"Her life, it's in my hands!" She said as she let out more grunts. "Katherine. Stop, Katherine, stop!" I hear Stiles pleading with me but I didn't glance at him. "Stilinski, you'll never find him," Jennifer said to Stiles. "There are different ways to find them," I said to her angrily even more. "Katherine," Scott said to me and I focus all on Jennifer trying to block everything and everyone around me,

"Katherine!" I hear Stiles say to make me let out a sigh before letting Jennifer go and she fell to the ground. "That's right," Jennifer said lifting her head. "You need me." She said looking at Derek before looking at us. "All of you." She said making me let out a chuckle.

"That's where your wrong I don't need you. I could've easily killed you. But like they stopped I didn't. If I had the chance I would rip you into shreds. And trust me when everything is over I will." I said to her before bending to her position.

"As if my name is Katherine Camille Mikaelson, I give you my word that I will. And it will be painful," I said with a smile before getting up and standing next to Scott, and Stiles.

•~• •~•

"What's that?" Scott asked stiles making me look at stiles weirdly. "Well, you got claws, and this one can move anything with her mind. I got a bat." He said making me roll my eyes at him and run inside the hospital. "Where are we going?" I asked them.

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