The breaking point

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I sighed as we walked back to my cell. Ezra followed behind and I realized the 2 other guards were gone already. "Sooo..." I said as I stopped and turned to look at Ezra. He just looked down at me and sighed.

"When are we getting out? I want to see the world again..." I asked lowly, Ezra just put his hand on my shoulder and whispered "soon kitty, for now we should return to your cell and continue talking there, we don't want to look suspicious"

I nodded and continued towards my cell. Who was my mother...was she a scp aswell or a normal person? I wonder if she's still alive...or did wouldn't have done that...

We reached my cell and I sighed as I tried to get my head out of all the spiraling thoughts. I think Ezra could see the conflicted look on my face because he hugged me tight.

I hugged him back then we stood there for a second. "OK so how are we going to pull this off?" I asked him. "Seeing as I can't die, I'll be your sheild." I frowned at Ezra "You're an idiot. Just because you cant die from my family's touch doesn't make you immortal" I scoffed. Ezra rolled his eyes in return "they did testing on me already, turns out I can regenerate anything on my body"

I looked at him in disbelief and confusion. "OK so we have plan B set. But what's plan A?" I asked. Ezra looked around for a few seconds then grabbed my arm as we continued to walk.

We turned a few corners before we had walked into an empty staff room. "I checked the schedule and everyone should be testing scp's right now, which gives us the perfect opportunity to dress you up as a doctor here" I looked at him confused. "Why didn't you tell me the plan in the first place?!" I yelled at him as I grabbed one of the extra clothing in the locker.

Ezra sighed "keep your voice down. I'll turn around as you get was easier to not tell you since your face says it all" I frowned at him as he said that. "Riiigghht..." I said as I took off the orange jumper and changed into the staff's clothing.

After changing I tapped Ezra's shoulder to let him know I was done. He looked stunned, like a deer in headlights. A bright blush ran along his cheeks as he looked me down. "Right. I'm the one easy to read" I said as I rolled my eyes with a smile. Ezra frowned at the comment. After a few moments of silence the breach alarm went off.

"Shit! Did they already found out I wasn't in my cell?!" I said as I looked at him. His face held a calm but snarky smirk. "Time to put the plan in action, your father is responsible for this breach but we've got a few scp's in on it to make chaos for us to escape."

"Just tell me the plan! God!" I yelled annoyed. "OK ok! Calm down jeez!" Ezra exclaimed. "So I got scp-0000 to hack the Euclid area and free all of them there, so while the clean up crew is busy trying to get them back into containment, we'll escape along with the other scientists. Simple right?"

I looked at him with a raised brow "wouldn't they recognize me? All I did was change my outfit, they'll know it's me for sure..." Ezra shook his head then took my arm and dragged me out of the room with him. We ran the halls for what felt like hours until we reached a safe zone. He held me close to his chest before we attempted to open the doors.

The scene before us was horrifying. The lights were dim but we could see blood splattered everywhere...I could tell Ezra was afraid as he held me tighter. Looking around the room for any life he noticed someone hunched over, sobbing quietly. Ezra knew all to well who it was and whispered to me "don't look, just back away slowly with me. I don't want you to get hurt"

So I did as he said and as soon as the doors closed we sighed of relief as we continued to walk away from the scene. I held his hand tightly as we continued to walk the empty hallways. over the sirens we could hear faint screaming which brought my stomach to knots. I honestly did not know how Ezra was keeping calm with all this...

Suddenly a group of guards appeared. Ezra's hold on me tightened as they noticed us. "What are you guys doing! you should be in a safe zone with the others awaiting instructions!" said one of the guards. "I-I..." I stuttered, I was beyond terrified, my thoughts racing, my breath short. Ezra held his grip tight as always "Sir, I was separated from my squad, this scientist was left behind so I was escorting her away from these beasts"

The squad leader nodded at Ezra and looked down at me, his cold stare sent shivers down my spine. "I don't recognize this she new?" The leader asked "yes I believe so, she showed me her badge before, right now I think it's best to escort her to a safe zone" Ezra said. The leader shook his head "you should know this by now, the safe Zones automatically lock after the door is closed, they won't open until all the sectors are cleared. You and doctor..uh...what was your name again?"

"K-k..." my throat felt dry, it was hard to speak as fear was taking over. I held onto Ezra even tighter. "Doctor Kaitlyn, I think she's too scared to speak, maybe we should keep moving" Ezra said. The leader nodded and motioned his hand to signal his men. "True... it isn't the safest standing around the hallway, best place we can bunker doctor Kaitlyn is possibly in an office." We both nodded and started to walk down the dark hallway...

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