"Okay," I whispered as I climbed into bed. I crawled back into his arms and he pulled me close to him. He rubbed circles on my back as he breathed down my neck. "Ben is not a problem anymore." He mumbled, and I listened to his heartbeat. It was slow and steady. It was like white noise, my eyes lids felt heavy and shut. I could not open them again. I woke up to a little dip in the bed. I turn to see Isabella twirling with my hair. "Your so pretty," she said as she continued twirling my hair. "Thank you Izzy. You're pretty too." I said, as I stretched and let out a yawn. "Where's your dad?" I ask, and she sighs, "making breakfast. I wanted to wait for you but daddy said you needed sleep."

I gave her a soft smile, "well your dad made the right call. How about we go help him? How does that sound?" She smiled as she stopped twirling my hair. "Pleaseeeeeeee" she begged, and I chuckled as I climbed out of bed. I took her hand in mine and led her down the hallway. I see Matheo standing shirtless, cooking over the stove. He turned and looked at us. He smiled. "There are my girls," he said as he stretched out his arms. Isabella ran to him and dragged me with her. We collided with Matheo as he wrapped us in his arms. He kissed her head, then kissed me. "Morning, beautiful," he said, and I giggled a little.

Maybe he didn't want to talk about yesterday. We heard a knock on the door and we all froze. Was he expecting someone? I gave him a confused look, and he shrugged. He walked over and unlocked the door, "um Matheo, aren't you forgetting something?" He looked at me, confused. I motioned to my shirt, and he sighed. He walked back to his room and came back with a shirt on. I gave him a smile and he rolled his eyes but I saw a small smile creep onto his cheeks.

He opened the door and froze. "Wow, you have changed a bunch, Matheo." I hear a woman say she sounded familiar. "What the hell are you doing here?" Matheo said, his voice straining to keep from yelling. He had his fist balled together at his side. "Now Matheo, is that anyway to talk to a lady?" He scoffed, "you are far from a lady." I heard her gasp, "wow looks like that attitude never changed." She replied in a face offended tone. "Isabella, go to your room." I whisper, and she nods and sneaks off.

"Matheo, who is it?" I call and he turned to look at me. He had pure hatred in his eyes. A girl shoved past him and walked into the place like she owned it. She looked so familiar. She had long red hair that was curled at the bottom. She had piercing blue eyes and a body like a cheerleader. She was wearing a tight black dress with a slit so high you could see everything. She had on 2 inch heals that clicked with each step she took. Her lips were curled in disgust when she looked at me, and that's when it hit me. "Betty," I said, and she gave me a soft smile. "Andrea," she said, but she sounded like she was ready to try to rip me to pieces.

She crossed her arms and looked me up and down. "looks like he down graded. Where is my daughter?" She said, and my jaw dropped. The nerve of this bitch! "Not your daughter." I spat, and she looked at me like she wanted to carve my heart out and a part of me was hoping she would try so I could beat the shit out of her. "I gave birth to her. She is mine." She spat. Matheo just kept looking at her, like any minute now he was going to strangle her. I chuckled, "No Betty, she's not. You see when you give your child up and don't see them for years. You are no longer their parent. You are nothing but a surrogate."

Her jaw dropped like she didn't expect me to say anything. She collected herself and gave me a soft smile. "I heard you got tired of being used as a blow-up doll and skipped town. You gonna skip again like you did before?" I kept my face blank. She was trying to get a rise out of me, but I wouldn't let her. I chuckled, "no I was tired of the bad sex and got a job offer. So I took it." She scoffed, "along with my man." I could hear Matheo snickering, "I'm not yours. I'm hers." He said, looking at me at the end.

She gritted her teeth as she looked back at him. She leaned back a little to put everything on full display for him. He turned away and snarled, "gross it looks dried up and wrinkly." I couldn't help but laugh. She turned to face me and glared as if she could. She would set me on fire. "I will fucking get him back, you stupid whore." She spat before leaving. I couldn't help but laugh at her antics and Matheo was trying not to laugh. "How the hell did she even find you?" I ask and he shrugged. I look out the window and watched her get into her car. "Hey doesn't that look like the car from last night?" I ask and he walked over and shrugged, "could be."

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