Trailer #1

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"What should I cook when coming home?" Person said

While minding business he didn't know there is a truck coming his way.

Long honked in the truck before he notice he was dead.

Change place

"Did  I die?" the person said

"Yes, my child you die in the middle road while not looking if there are any cars, or trucks through the road." Female unknown goddess

Change place

"This would do to settle my clan and my armies," a random person said while looking at a tab and while looking at plain terrain and covering mountains encircle not a full circle leaving only can make a wall and a gate that never can climb except by flying with a familiar pet

while looking back at 16 elite soldiers in his back guarding him. 6 females and 10 males

"Now everyone here we are settled and train 5,000 armies here while others look for food And plant wheat & rice," a random person said

"Yes my lord" 16 elite warriors repeatedly

Change place

"All remaining systems will bow to the first order in the name of-"

While countless armies marching spreading across the map to cleAn the bandit or monster near their clan castle

Change place

"Charge!!" Random enemy commander

"All bow users ready the bow & arrow wait for my command... Unleashed the arrow now" allies general who is the leader of bowmen 1,000 of them

As the camera changes into perspective no one.

Countless men died, and countless arrows unleash on the battlefield

Change place

A random main character standing little mountain just to see two armies fighting each other and have a spyglass in his hand

"Interesting war between humans and demons, now we should leave this place before those two general see us," a random person said

While having 16,000 armies on his back have a clan flag for every soldier on his/her back and form clan flag is a red circle while outside is a flower forming like a raise of the sun. (Like the imperial Japanese flag)

As they leave many soldiers got killed on the battlefield with heavy wounded or perish suffering from wounded

Story coming soon

Words: 363

Plan release chapter one: Unknown

Re-edit: not yet.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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