Chapter 15: Taking Alex and Alexis Home

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I decide to go to the mall first because they have alot of stuff in there where they sell baby clothes and products. But as im shopping you wouldnt believe who I saw in the store.

It was Matthews mom... I walk away trying not to be seen... But before I could go in the next store there she was standing in front of me...

Matthews mom: Are these my grandchildren

I dont know if I should lie or not but I start to think "she hasnt done anything to me and I think she deserves to know that these are her grandchildren" So I tell her"

Lucy: Yes mam they are

Matthews mom: Oh my gosh they are so adorable can I hold one of them???

Lucy: Sure hold on..... I pick Alex up and let her hold him and I couldnt believe what she said...

Matthews mom: Are you sure Matthew is the father of these two children?

Lucy: Yes im sure why do you ask???

Matthews mom: Because they look nothing like him and they should at least have a little piece of him in them..

Lucy: Well God makes everyone the same and just cause hes the father doesnt mean that they have to look alike.. I mean look at me and look at my mom and dad we arent that similar. But they are still my parents.

Matthews mom: Well don't you dare try to get any child support from us before we get a paternity test

Lucy: I dont need yalls money, I can provide for my kids on my own and I got Anthonys help to because me and him are going to be the ones that are going to raise him.

Matthews mom: Take this child and leave us alone... We want nothing to do with yall... Your the reason why my son is in jail.

Lucy: Matthew is in jail because of what he did not from what I did, hes in there because of what he did and I dont worry. Keeping the children away from yall has been my goal and I plan on keeping it that way.

Matthews mom leaves and I get scared all of a sudden... I decide to leave and go shopping tomorrow when I feel more safe.

I get home and take the babies a bath. All I can think about is what Matthews mom said. And how I was stupid enough to actually think that she should deserve to know her grandchildren.

The next day in the afternoon

I arrive home from shopping and everything went really well I bought the babies some clothes, shoes, diapers, food, and more.

Later on that day me and Anthony scheduled an appointment to go and see a house thats a few blocks from my house.

As we enter the house I immediately fell in love with the house...

I could see us living in here as a family and making good memories that we will always enjoy. After we looked around the whole house we decided to buy it.

Finally my dreams are almost complete. Now all that I have planned for us is to get married and we live happily ever after... No matter how long it takes thats my top goal.

Hi readers, I know I haven't updated in a while but i've been busy with school and other stuff that I didn't have enough time to update but here's a new chapter I hope you all enjoyed, I'm gonna try my best to update another chapter this afternoon because its getting close to the end of the story... But feel free to comment and tell me what you think about the story so far and have a blesssed day :-) :-) :-)

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