A Material Witness ✔️

Start from the beginning

"She's just walking us through it." Erin said to Alvin.

"You got a name, didn't you? Did you get your name?" Olinsky asked, he was pissed.


"Calaca means "skeleton" in Spanish. My money's on the latin priests." Antonio said at the briefing. "That's the kind of name they give their boys."

"Neighbors don't claim to have seen anything." Jay said.

"And there's no security cameras either." Adam said.

"Shift's already started. Where have you been?" Antonio asked Sumner, who just walked in.

"The report you requested, sergeant. A breakdown of all drug-related busts in the Pilsen area in the last 12 months." Sumner said.

"How many files did you have to go through?" I asked her and she just pursed her lips.

"All right, now give me a list of all gang-affiliated males in the neighborhood that were arrested with weapon, who were between 5'2" and 6'3"." Voight ordered.

"Gunman's 5'9"." Jay piped in.

"You can never be too careful." Hank said, and Sumner walked away. "All right, let's find this Calaca and get a confession so lexi doesn't have to testify. Use any means necessary."


"Four dead Latin Priest killed exacution style, displayed on a soccer field. It was a reprisal shooting for Russel Thompson, member of the g-park lords." Hank said as he put up a picture on the whiteboard.

"Russel was a low-level runner for t-mac pierce." Antonio said.

"I remember t-mac. Yeah, we used to answer domestic violence calls all the time at his mother's. His stepfather beat the crap out of him." Burgess said.

"What are you wearing?" Jay asked, looking Kim up and down.

"I'm supposed to be a tourist." Kim replied.

"It's working." Sumner said.

"I brought her up. I figured we could use all the help we could get." Ruzek explained.

"All right, t-mac pierce. It's a place to start." Voight said.

"What about Calaca?"

"You tell me."

"I've got word out to all of my C.I's. So far I've got nothing." Erin replied.

"Priests probably have him in hiding." Jay suggested.

"Well, maybe t-mac knows where. He had no problem finding four of his pals and putting a lead in their head. Ruzek, my office." Voight finished.


I parked the car in front of a house. Jay asked me to make a quick stop here.

"This will only take a minute." He said and got out of the car. I watched him walk to the front door and knock. He was arguing with the man who opened the door. What the hell is going on here?

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