Hayley and I were sitting on a park bench alone. Klaus had Hope and was standing around with Freya and Elijah. I think they were all leaving. Freya had brought Hayley flowers, the men had planted the tree over the hole Hayley buried Jackson's heart in a box. "Thanks for being here and orchestrating this," the widow murmured lowly.

"Of course," I said, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. She sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder. I didn't say anything. We sat in silence, staring at the tiny tree planted. One day it would grow nice and big in the middle of this park. And we would know this was Jackson's resting place. Gone but not forgotten.

Klaus soon sat on the other side of me. "Thanks for coming to show your respects," Hayley mumbled. It was directed to him even though she didn't lift her head or look away from the makeshift tombstone.

"It's easy to speak well of Jackson. He was a good man," Klaus said, placing a hand on my thigh and rubbing it affectionately. "Though it is a bit macabre, isn't it? Burying his heart under a sapling."

I jerked my elbow against Klaus' arm in scolding. Hayley sighed, sitting up and peering around me to look at him as she responded, "At least Hope will have a place to visit him. I don't want her to forget how much she loved him."

"She won't," I assured, taking the baby from Klaus to sit her between Hayley and I.

"I am sorry... for your loss," Klaus said slowly.

"Everybody's sorry," Hayley scoffed before kissing Hope's head. "Doesn't make a whole lot of difference, does it?" She retorted.

Klaus shrugged, "Perhaps now. I've heard time heals all wounds, but that has not been my own experience. I wonder if keeping busy might help distract you from your grief."

"Klaus," I groaned, giving him an incredulous look for his suggestion.

"You have something in mind?" Hayley asked.

"Really guys?" I frowned, cradling Hope as I stood up so I wasn't sitting between this psychos.

Klaus chuckled, "Love, calm down."

"What are you about to talk her into?" I asked him, scowling.

He rolled his eyes, turning to Hayley, "Aurora's still at large. No doubt plotting her revenge. She used Camille to get to me once. She may do so again. And, Cami is rather vulnerable. I'd like to provide some safeguarding."

"Isn't that your job?" Hayley quipped before I could wrap my mind around what he was asked her to do. Babysit Camille?

"No. It can't be anymore," Klaus responded, nodding his head at me.

Hayley pursed her lips and looked at me. "You don't have to," I assured her.

"But if you don't and I do... Dani may leave me again," Klaus said.

I looked at him baffled, "You are the absolute worst!"

"I love you too, baby girl."

"Fine. I'll do it," Hayley agreed, sighing loudly.

"Thank you," Klaus and I both chorused.

"Hey, we have to get home. I have friends from out of town until tomorrow night. If you want, we can keep Hope though," I told her.

"Yeah, keep her... I want to clean out the apartment and now I have to entertain Camille," Hayley said.

"Thank you," Klaus repeated. The two of them stood up then. Hayley hugged me and kissed Hope goodbye. After she went her separate way while Klaus came up beside me, smirking.

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum