Match: Woah, Flower how do you know that?

Flower: I ounce had an anonymous client on my fashion site request I make them a hoodie of that exact size and materials, I thought I recognized it somewhere. You were that client!

Vortex: That's me,  great job on it by the way Flower 5 stars. But back on track, I let Lightning zap me to prove something vital for this club.

SB: Is it that you're immune to electricity?

Vortex: Well that plus other things. And that you can't rely on violence to settle a disagreement, a better healthier way to do such is to talk things out find something that you both can agree upon. And I'm everyone agrees with me in that one.

Pencil: You know nothing what my club-

Match: *AHEM*

Pencil: Our club members think!

Fanny: Oh yeah!? Raise your hands if you hate the way Pencil treats you!

Everyone in Iance mutters as they all raise a hand... even.

Pencil: What? Matchy, The Match, my BFF you too?!

Well this is a surprise, even to me.

Match: Well... I like being part of the same club with you really I do, but.. I started notice how how like toxic you've become and how depressed Bubble has been since I demoted her to a bemb, I didn't say anything at he time because I was afraid that you might start doing the same to me too. 

Pencil remain silent and looks the other way down

Match: Is it really that bad to admit that like maybe the way we have been leading this club and FreeSmart weren't the best ways to lead after all.

Pencil: Don't say that name again Match! Those days are long gone forever!

Vortex: Funny how you mention FreeSmart AND your "leaderships" Match, as that brings us to Number 4 of the list of what this club is doing wrong, the most vital thing. That you two should not be in charge in the first place!

Iance: OOOH...

Bubble: Huh????

Pencil: W-what makes you think that?!

Vortex: Well if you look here in these copied notes of FreeSmart's records, you can see clear as day that Bubble was the one to come up with your little alliance, and according to school rules he or she who starts a club is the club's captain.

Fanny: In short, you and Match have NO RIGHT to make all these rules and tell everyone to do what you say!!

Pencil: For your record Fanny, Bubble is not the best at asserting so herself she wouldn't be a good leader, Match and I just took over to relive the responsibility for her and she's just fine with it. Right Bubble?

Bubble: no..

Pencil: uh.. What was that??

Bubble: I said NO!! I never asked you two to take charge for me, and even then I never would've! I know what makes a good leader, and one of those things is being a good listener, Pencil you're excessively selfish, you never listen to anybody and you only want what's best for YOU! Match I know you mean well but ignoring the bigger picture for you're own sake isn't any better! This is why Book and Icy left us in the first place!

Atta girl Bubble, I knew you had it in you! I'm so proud! The room remains silent for a while but them Match broke it and spoke.

Normal P.O.V:

Match: Bubble, I.. I did know you were upset but I never knew you felt like this. I'm... really sorry.

Bubble: It's noice of you to apolagize and admit you were wrong Match, But I just can't forgive you immediately.

Pencil: If it's anybody you shouldn't forgive it's me! I'm the one that started your demotion streak, I'm the one that made Lightning zap everybody, I'm the one that neglected your pain-


Before Fanny could finish scolding Pencil, Black Hole picks her up and shushes her again.

Vortex: Fanny knock it off! She actually being sincere this time.

Fanny: How do you know that?

Vortex: I have my ways.

Match: Do you really mean it Pence-Pence? Cuz you really derailed off from the girl you used to be.

Pencil: The girl I 'used' to be? Match, I was mean from the start!

Bubble: You had some mean moments, but you were considerate one time you made ruby cry you realized what you did was wrong and apologized. But you were far to gone to care what other thought. Honestly I outta demote you into a bemb just so you know how I felt..!

Pencil: *GASP*

Bubble: But then I'd be no better than you.

Pencil: Okay okay, you made your point. So what will be your first decision as actual leader?

Bubble: You mean, you'll actually let me lead?

Pencil: it's the least I could do.

Bubble: YOYLECAKE! First off that demotion system has got to go, and no more violent punishments!

Lightning: YAY!

Bubble: And.. and.. And I'm bringing back FreeSmart!

Match & Pencil: *GASP*

Match: R-really?

Bubble: Of course, and you two will still be in it, someone has amends to make. Vortex, thank you so much for all you've done!

Vortex: Don't thank me, thank Fanny. She's the one that sparked this mission, all because she was worried of you.


Bubble: Thank you so much Fanny, I always knew you cared!

Bubble jumped in to hug Fanny leaving the usually angry girl speechless and her face turning bright red, she then shakes her senses back when Bubble asks her something.

Bubble: Would you like to be FreeSmart's newest member at some point Fanny.

Fanny: ...Maybe not immediately, this club had pretty much traumatized me!

Match: I can understand that.

The two Death P.A.C.T.ers head out and say their farewells to "Iance" knowing pretty well the right thing they've done and that even tho it won't be easy, things are very likely to get better for The Alliance.

~To be Continued~

(Author's Note: One more chapter and The Iance arc is done!)

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