Começar do início


The lacrosse game had been the final straw for Jennie. Abby needed support. And if a member of the family couldn't be supportive, there was no room for them in that house. She waited until they were ready for bed, Jason sitting on the edge and rubbing his hands over his face.

"You need to cut the shit. You're either going to treat her like she's a living, breathing, and feeling human being, like she's your daughter, or you can find a new wife and a new home." Jason wouldn't make eye contact. He didn't know why it was so hard this time. Why he couldn't forgive Abby and move on. But he was getting sick and tired of avoiding his own home. He just wanted things to be the way they were, but the sight of her... it filled him with rage. Jennie had said all she needed to say, and so she shut the light off and went to sleep, her back a giant impenetrable wall against him.


Abby had her ear buds in, oblivious to the world around her. And if she was ever going to stop fucking up, that's the way it had to be. The cafeteria came to a hush as Jace walked through with balloons, flowers and lunch. A real lunch. He knew she was trying to do what everyone wanted her to do. But he knew she wasn't happy, and that she felt alone. Principal Stone saw him come through. He watched and waited, signaling the staff to give them a minute, that he'd take care of it. She felt a shadow and looked up from her book. He was a god, sent to her exactly at the right time. She was sure today was the day she'd die of loneliness. Her face lit up, the Abby twinkle. The ear-to-ear grin. She took her earbuds out and stood.

"For me?" She asked comically.

"No other girl on the face of this planet deserves it." He put the balloons, flowers and food down on the table, and wrapped her in the tightest hug she'd ever known. He breathed her in, having not seen her for over a month. He kissed her forehead. "Happy Birthday, Abby." He whispered. "My sun, my moon, my stars, my whole universe." A few tears escaped when she pulled back. He wiped them dry, a smile of pure love and adoration. She glanced at the bag. "Food. I know you don't eat enough." He explained. And this time, she was visibly thinner than the cocaine had made her. The hunger that gnawed at her day and night was the least of her worries, the least of the demons gnawing for her soul. They sat down across from each other and dug into the meal he'd brought for them. Principal Stone had let them have their moment alone. He walked over and sat next to Abby.

"I didn't know it was your birthday today. Happy birthday, Abby." She grinned.

"Thank you." She replied. "If you really wanted to make it happy, you could let me skip the rest of the day." He laughed.

"I don't know about that." He replied. Jace laughed, not sure if the principal was going to kick him out or not.

"Cupcake?" She asked, offering the principal one. Jace had also brought cupcakes.

"I will never pass down a cupcake, but you're still going to afternoon classes." He said in jest.

"Fine then." She pulled the cupcake away from his reaching fingers. And then sharing a smile with him, she gave it back.

"Am I allowed to stay, or are you here to kick me out and call the police?" Jace asked tentatively.

"You can stay." He said.

"Good. I brought cards." He said, pulling them out.

"Does the birthday girl get to pick the game?!" Abby asked, excitement pouring from her soul. Smiles and excitement. The way a teenage girl should be acting. Jace winked.

"You bet." Abby squealed and clapped.

"Three to thirteen it is." She said. Jace rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at her as he dealt Principal Stone in.

AbbyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora