Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Have you ever felt a shiver?  An icy grip, slicing through your every being.  Making the simplest act unbearable?

My back was pressed against a flat surface, much harder than the dirt floor in the caverns.  I, feverish and clammy.  My eyes refused to open, hands and feet twisted beneath me.

Sleep was uncertain.  Almost as certain as me surviving that attack.

I tried rolling over, too disoriented and tired to move an inch.  Sleep would overtake me, leaving me vulnerable and weak.  Easy kill.

I felt my heart-rate increase, mind slowly receading.  Conciousness would wait. 

Drifting, slightly, I floated once more.  But this time, it was on the edge of my mind, carelessly bringing me back to reality every once and a while.  While I lay motionless. least I think I'm motionless.  How would I know?

My body was too weak and disconnected to tell, feeling lost.  But, I was sure that I hadn't moved the slightest bit.  Not enough to shake loose the soreness in my bones.

No longer did I see the moon, or stars.  I was aware that my eyes were closed, shut tightly, from the furthest corner of my mind.  It was almost as if I were trapped there, unable to free myself.

After a while, I felt something.

Cold.  Icy.  Water?

But, then it turned warm, too slow and steady for a stream of crystal.  Yet, delicate.

Delicate, but tough.  Flesh.  A hand on my forehead. 

Then..icy.  Like rain.  But, just one drop.  It came slowly, almost unexpectedly.  Along with a choked sigh.  My brain awoke, triggered somehow, by the pitiful moan.

It was soft, almost nonexistant.  And childish.  I tried moving my shoulders again, breaking some of my emotional chains.  Yet, darkness still covered my every corner.

Where was I?  Did the fire kill me?

It was impossible that I'd made it out, collapsing from so much smoke.  What about Ariana?

Was she okay?

I tried to breathe, almost burning my own lungs with air.  It sent waves of fire, deep into my throat, while pain shooted up.

Then, I felt someone press something to my lips, making me drink.  The water was cold, quenching a thirst I didn't realize I had.  Releaving the dryness.

After this, I felt liberated.  My mind was functioning better, slightly, and I was able to think.

My eyelids flinched, dropping every time I opened them, shying away from the light.  Voices broke through my numb senses, all ending in some form of sigh.

Lifting a hand, I felt my forehead, delicately wiping sweat from my eyes.  My hair was wringing wet, obviously someone had poured water on me.  I was drenched.  My dress was emersed, dripping with ashes, and limp.

I had never felt so exhausted.

"Ariana...?" I mumbled, eyes drifting closed, then back open.  My lips didn't seem to work, because I couldn't understand my own words.  Then my eyes snapped up.

"Ariana?  James?"  my voice was clearer, but broken.  I dragged myself upwards, clumsily propping my arms about me, sitting at a lean.  My head felt like a thousand knives.

The young girl was sitting beside me, eyes wide.  They were so blue, I was almost jealous.

"Mae?  Are you okay?"  she piped, voice barely over a whisper.  I cringed, unable to answer her.  Was I?  I didn't know.

"Uh..yes, I think so.  What..happened?"

Ariana looked up at someone.  My eyes followed hers, slowly seeking answers when they fell upon James's face.  He watched me, closely, a new pain written deep into those secretive eyes.

"Are you sure you're alright?'ve been out a while."

I looked at him, eyebrows closely knitted together.  "How long?"

Ariana spoke for him.  "Almost three days!  We thought you were dying, because you wouldn't stirr, and your face is so ashen.." 

So was her's, I noticed.  She looked horrible.  James hardened his expression, not looking me or Ariana in the eyes.  It never occured to me that he'd be unnerved by my demise.

My empathy must not have been working today, because I only sat there, comforting and speaking too challenging at the moment.

"How.." I looked at him, face unsmiling, yet soft.  "How did you do it?"

He smiled.  "Do what?  Your little saviour dragged you most of the way, I was running the perimeter looking for you."

I directed my gaze at Ariana.  She beamed, almost too proudly, at my stunned expression.

"You collapsed after me," she spoke, words almost audible.  "I was still concious enough to pull you away from the fire..but your reallly heavey." She giggled.  "I was glad when James found us."

I looked back, finding James's gaze holding mine, tight.  He was worried about me.  Worried enough to risk his own life in return for mine.  No matter how weak and fragile it was.

"What about..the man? I mean, the hunter?" I asked.

Ariana shook her head.  "He practically just..disappeared.  I was afraid I wasn't going to make it, so I grabbed your shoulders and dragged you.." Her face darkened.  "I didn't see where he went."

Gripping onto James's shoulder, I pulled myself up into a sitting position.  My palms shook, but only slightly, and I held his hand.  It was the only shred of comfort I could manage at this point.

We were out of the caverns, in the open air.  Able to see the light.

The rocks beneath me were flat, making a sharp-edged cliffside near the incline.  Sunlight bathed my clammy skin, shielding me from the worried faces directed at me.

My voice was hardly a whisper, yet loud enough to ring out above the trees. 

"We have to find him."

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