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Ashley's POV
Hi! I'm Ashley, and I have an amazing family and friends. I go to Woodhaven High School, I was very nervous at first.. but then, I met some friends and it wasn't so bad after all.
But.. there was this girl.. she was really pretty and super gorgeous.. I did not know who she was, but she looked amazing. Her name was Brooklyn, but everyone calls her Brooke for short, every day she would bully me, and it was a pain.. honestly I have done nothing wrong..

* Timeskip *

Brooke's POV

Hey! My name is Brooklyn, but you can call me Brooke. Everyone calls me that.. I bully everyone at Woodhaven High School, I have a boyfriend named Jason, me and him have been together for 7 months now, but me and him get into arguments.. and I have no idea why, but.. after that.. I found out he was cheating on me.. and I felt so heartbroken... but.. I bullied this new girl named.. what was her name?? Um... Oh! Right, Ashley, I bully her like, every day. She is very weird and awkward. But she is really beautiful.. wait what?

Jason's POV
Yo! The name is Jason, and I am 16 years old. I go to Woodhaven High, and I have an amazing girlfriend named Brooklyn. But me and her argue a lot and it's really.. getting on my nerves, but my family is alright. They are cool

Word count: 244

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