Chapter 12

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It's basically the entire chapter so if you need to just don't read this chapter.


The group of junior high schoolers stood in the middle of the high schoolers surrounding them. Some with weapons and others without, being very confident in their ability to fight. It was pretty silent except for the laughs and chuckles coming from some of the high schoolers. "Something tells me you fellows aren't here for sightseeing," Karma says looking at the high schooler who stood in the front of the group in front of them.

A cross-eyed guy stepped from behind who appeared to be the leader and speaks. "Well, we ain't here for you. Hand over the girls and get lo-" he wasn't able to finish what he was saying as a certain redhead shoved his head into the pavement when he closed his eyes.

A loud thud was heard when his head hit the pavement along with some sort of choking noise. "See, Nagisa?" Karma said as he stood up. "Fighting's no problem at all when there's no whiteness," Karma exclaims smiling.

Nagisa pointed behind Karma in worry. "W-Woah!" Nagisa let out. Karma looked at what Nagisa was pointing to and let's just say he wasn't very impressed.

"I'm gonna stab ya!" A high schooler yelled as he brought out a box cutter knife. He ran at the redhead who stepped back a little and grabbed what looked to be a small red tarp from a bike and threw it on the high schooler's head. In that moment of confusion, Karma pushed his head back making the high schooler roll back.

Karma stood there with a hand on his hip. "Stab me? As if." He said with all the confidence in the world.

"No! What-" Kayano yelled. Karma turned around to see that Kanzaki, Kayano, and [name] were being held but only Kayano and Kanzaki were struggling in the guy's grip all the while [name] just let it happen looking completely unfazed. "Don't!" Kayano shouted.

Karma was stunned at the sight. "Get it now?" The supposed leader said taking advantage of Karma's stunned state as an opportunity to hit him in the back of the head making him fall to the ground. A few of the high schoolers went over to Karma's fallen body and stomped on him some even aiming to kick his head.

[name] stared with wide eyes watching as Karma gets hit over and over again. "Hey, stop it! He's down dammit!" They yelled. To stop [name] from yelling they were doing

"Karma!" Nagisa yelled scared for his friend.

"Hey! Knock it off!" Sugino yelled running to Karma only to be stopped by getting kicked in the stomach being sent backward into Nagisa and both falling to the ground.

"Get the car!" The one who sent Karma down instructed as the guys who held the girls and [name] were making their way out of the alleyway of sorts. "That'll teach you, junior-high kids, to mess with us." He said in a condescending tone of voice as he looked down at Nagisa and Sugino right before punching Nagisa in the face and knocking him out.

" He said in a condescending tone of voice as he looked down at Nagisa and Sugino right before punching Nagisa in the face and knocking him out

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𝙎𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣  (Karma x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum