chapter 3

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I made my way to the Place and soon found the sewer where Angel had disappeared in.  It was rubble, like most of the area, but still, I thought it might stay up long enough for me to look through first.

            Through the broken and battered sewer I walked.  I came upon a few places that looked like they could have been rooms, but all reduced to rubbish.  I still had hope, that maybe I’d find something, but I had a bad feeling that I wouldn’t.

            But then, I saw a faint light up ahead.  I gazed warily at it.  Why would there be any source of light down here, in the sewers?  But curiosity overcame me and I had to continue towards it. 

Soon, I found its origin.  A single candle lit up most of a room.  There, I saw it.  A cage.  One like the ones the flock and I were put in back in the School.  An occupied cage.  And in it was a girl.  I recognized her, she looked so familiar.

My shadow fell on her, and she looked up at me, eyes swollen from tears.  “Run, Max, run!” she whispered.  Star.  Her bright blond hair gave it away to me.  She was the one in Fang’s gang who could run really fast.  I looked at her, startled.

With that, I was instantly blinded by a bright light that filled the entire room.  I squinted and made out the figure of a man.  “Run!”  Star screamed at me.  A grin crept up onto the face of the man.

“Who the heck are you?” I screamed at the man.

“Hello Max.  I’ve been expecting you.  I am the One Light.  Do as your little friend here has told you.  You should go.  I will let you live this time. Go rally your troops, or whatever.  Now go!”

“Why are you letting me leave?” I inquired.

The One Light laughed.  “Why, it would be too easy!  I would end you too quickly.  I am one for a challenge.  Oh, and it would be disappointing to kill you before you see what Angel will become,” The man began to laugh hysterically.  At the mention of her name, I froze, but soon revived myself, adrenaline pumping through my veins.  I was ready to fight him, fight him now.  For Angel.  But I believed him when he said I would die.  I had no idea what he was, but he looked full of power and glowing with energy, his white clothes rippling with it.  That was when I decided he was insane, and to run.

I ran out of the room, leaving poor Star behind in the mercy of that power-hungry monster.  I felt horribly guilty, but I knew it had to be done.  Then I heard his voice behind me, ”You will find me and your friends on the island where lemurs and wild animals roam free, and the sun shines bright and hot all the time.”

Ugg, a stupid riddle, I thought as I sprinted down the sewer, leaping over piles of stone and slabs of concrete.  Not a very interesting one, either.  I quickly climbed out of the manhole and up into the Paris afternoon.  I ran all the way to the hotel, not stopping for breath.  When I reached it, I banged on the hotel room’s door until Dylan came and answered it, looking worried as ever.

He reached out and grabbed me into a bear hug.  “I was so worried,” he mumbled into my tangled blonde hair.

“I can tell,” I said as I pushed him away.  I clapped my hands.  “Alright everyone, pack up.  We have a new mission.”

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