[🦴/🦋] Safe - Massachusetts x Fem! Reader

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Tw: childbirth, some Angst, mentions of the high birth mortality rate in the early colonial period


*Massachusetts's POV*

I galloped down the dark streets of Boston, well past curfew. I was disguised to slip by my father's troops.

There was to be a siege on the city soon, my wife, Y/n, had been here in our townhouse. She was safe here but she wouldn't in a few weeks time.

I had to protect her.

I managed to slip a message through her maid for her to meet me in the alleyway a few streets down.

I waited for her in the shadows. She came as quickly as she could. Her heavily pregnant frame was hidden by her cloak.

"Come on, before we're caught," I said, dismounting to help her up.

She got onto our horse, I got on behind her so I could hold her close to me, and to protect her from gunfire.

I would take a bullet for her.

Y/n and I shared a quick kiss before I nudged our horse into a run. One of my arms around her and our unborn child.

We headed towards New York's lands. There she would be safe.

Immediately I knew something was wrong the minute we got out of the city.

Y/n winced in pain. "Damnit..." she whimpered. "I think the baby's coming...."

I kissed her forehead. "We're almost there," I assured her.

Sure enough, my brother's house appeared on the horizon. I hurried there as fast as I could, having to listen to my wife's whimpers of pain.

"Mass..." she cried.

"I know sweetie," I comforted.

My blood brothers, New York and Jersey came out of his house seeing us galloping up.

"What happened?" New York asked.

"I had to get her out of the city, before the siege," I said slowing our horse down. I dismounted and helped her down.

She winced in pain, holding her womb in pain. "The baby's coming..." she whimpered to him.

"Get her inside," New York said.

Helping my wife inside, New York raced in yelling for his servants.

His housekeeper helped her upstairs with the maids following. 

Men wasn't allowed in the delivery rooms.

I paced up and down the hall. I should have done evacuated her here. To somewhere safe, where she could have the baby.

I had to listen as my wife was crying in pain. God, my heart hurt hearing it.

Maids ferried in and out bringing towels and hot water inside.

New Jersey came up. "How is she?"

"In pain," I said. "God, I should have done gotten her out of there." I leaned on the wall.

He put a hand on my shoulder. "She's in a safe place here."

I wanted it over, I slid to the floor holding my head in my hands. I was scared for her sake, it was frighteningly common at the many women that died in childbirth.

Would our child be healthy to survive their first year where so many didn't?

Jersey joined me on the floor. We waited in silence listening to Y/n's crying of pain.

Then another cry joined her. My child's.

I was startled at first unsure if I could hear correctly.

I stood up as the door opened. It was a maid. "It's a boy," she said.

I walked in seeing my son suckling against my wife's breast. I smiled softly seeing them both alive.

Y/n was exhausted, it had been hours.

Sitting beside her, I kissed her temple. "I'm here."

She laid against my shoulder. "He looks like you...."

I chuckled as she handed him to me. "Hey little one," I said seeing him looking up at me. "What do you want to call him?"

"Boston, seems fitting. You're a state human."

I nodded, kissing her temple. "Yeah, I like that."

That night I soothed Boston to sleep. He was laying against my chest. Y/n was finally asleep, she deserved it.

I leaned down kissing his soft head. "I won't let anyone hurt you or your mother," I said to him. "Not now, not ever."

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