3 - My Alpha [Part 1]

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VKOOK ONESHOT - "my alpha"

part 1

CW: A/B/O AU, no discrimination against omegas!


Taehyung pov

"You sure you're not into him?"

I look annoyed at Hoseok who is grinning and eating his sandwich. "He's a stinky alpha who thinks too much of himself. So no, I'm certainly not into him."
"Come on Tae, I can see how your eyes change when you're near him." I roll with my eyes and stare at the books in front of me. No, I won't admit that every time I can smell Jeon Jungkook's scent even from a great distance, I want to literally jump him.

But I know exactly what alphas like him are like. They all just want one thing, to feel powerful so they can brag to their friends about how many omegas they've gotten laid this week. But certainly not with me, I'm an independent omega and don't need an alpha who thinks he can control me. I get through my heats very well on my own and I'm certainly not looking to get knocked up by any alphas.

"Oh Taehyungie, so many guys are into you, but you don't even notice them," Hobi looks at me and I just shrug.
"I don't want to be with anyone," I reply and pack my things because the lecture is finally over. Hobi next to me gets up too.
"Do you really want to stay alone forever?"
"Don't be so dramatic," I laugh lightly, and we hug goodbye, "just because I'm focusing on myself and my career?"
"You can't be talked out of it, can you?" I just shake my head with a grin and wave at him again before I leave the hall.

I close my locker after storing my books in it but wince in surprise when I spot none other than Jeon Jungkook leaning against it. "Hey," he greets me with a grin and winks at me. I immediately catch my breath to stop inhaling his scent which is like a slap in my face. Jungkook has a smell that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He smells so... strong... like a deep forest after a rainfall...

I don't say a word, just turn around and walk away. It doesn't take a minute for the alpha to run after me. "Now don't run away from me," he grins and walks alongside me.
"I'm not running, I just don't have time," I reply, looking straight ahead at the street.
"Mmm, but it's still pretty rude of you... How about a date, hm? Just the two of us."
"A date usually consists of two people you know."

Jungkook laughs next to me and grabs my arm, making me stop. I look into his eyes for the first time, and it hits me like a truck. Small bolts of lightning flash through my body as my heart beats uncontrollably against my chest. What is happening to me, am I going crazy?

"You have a big mouth for someone your size."
"Did you just call me small?!" I call out angrily and try to make myself bigger. Well, at least I'm trying because omegas are naturally smaller than alphas...damn nature. Jungkook just smiles.
"You are so cute Taehyung," he grins, stroking my hair. I immediately grab his wrist.
"Do not touch me!" But I'm only pulled closer to him, bumping against his chest. I look up at him with big eyes.

"Just so that's clear," he speaks softly, his eyes turning a faint red, "you're mine. Your smell is so... damn good and it infatuates me. I can't think straight when you're near me, Taehyung. And I. Want. You." He pauses briefly before continuing. "I did everything I could to get rid of all those other annoying alphas of yours. I'm the only one for you, okay?"

For a moment I'm too shocked to answer anything, but then I get angry. "Stop treating me like an object!" I tear myself away from his arms. "You'll never get me like that! And I don't give a shit what you think because I sure as hell will never date someone like you!"

With these words, I turn around and stomp away furiously while I can feel the grin of Jeon Jungkook on my back. 


I hope you liked this one! Part 2 is gonna have some hot smut hehe 

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