Chapter#1: The Downfall.

Start from the beginning

Aly was a highly efficient and resourceful assistant to Alexander, with an uncanny ability to stay one step ahead of his boss

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Aly was a highly efficient and resourceful assistant to Alexander, with an uncanny ability to stay one step ahead of his boss. He was a quick thinker and a problem solver, always ready to take on any challenge that came his way. Though his methods were sometimes unorthodox, they always got the job done, and Alexander came to rely on him heavily for his insights and expertise. Aly was also a fiercely loyal friend, always willing to go the extra mile to support those he cared about. Despite his sometimes brash and impulsive nature,Aly was an integral part of the team, and his contributions played a crucial role in their success.

 Despite his sometimes brash and impulsive nature,Aly was an integral part of the team, and his contributions played a crucial role in their success

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Mister Barlow was a corrupt businessman who used unethical practices to amass wealth and power. He was widely disliked for his actions, and faced legal consequences as his misdeeds were exposed.

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The Downfall

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The Downfall

Robert A. Heinlein once said that love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

While duty is a vital aspect of our main characters' love story, it does not mean that Alexander Litvinenko and Lily were not meant to be together.

In the President's office, a news reporter discusses an overnight stock market collapse and its impact on businessman Peter Barlow. The TV powers off, and the President expresses concern over the crisis and his determination to prove his capabilities. Soon after, he receives an invitation to Mr. Barlow's son's wedding, which he sees as an opportunity to hold Mr. Barlow accountable.

An emergency meeting is called to address the situation, with the participants acknowledging the need to resolve the issue urgently before the nation faces bankruptcy. One attendee suggests the use of a spy to gather intel on Mr. Barlow's strategy, while another suggests hiring an undercover hacker, given the cyber security aspect of the case.

As the situation unfolds, it becomes clear that the President's love for his nation and its people is essential to his decision-making, and he is committed to taking whatever steps necessary to protect them

After hours of discussion, the decision is made to enlist the help of a hacker and a spy. Jake is tasked with approaching the best individuals in the country for these roles.

In the early hours of the morning, Alexander Litvinenko receives a call from the President's aide requesting his assistance with a critical mission. However, Alexander is visibly upset and refuses to help when he discovers that the mission involves protecting his father from the town's wealthiest businessman.

Despite the aide's attempts to persuade Alexander by highlighting the gravity of the situation, Alexander is not swayed. He dismisses the matter and focuses his attention on a note he received from Anna, his high school sweetheart, asking if he was sure about their breakup

As his anger simmers, Alexander tells the aide to hold on and stay put while he sorts out the situation with Anna. He emphasizes that they need to keep their focus on the serious topic at hand and that he needs some time to think.

Alexander responds to his assistant's attempt to give relationship advice by asserting that breaking up is not a serious matter. He comments that at 31 years old, he is not interested in a stable relationship and that his assistant's personal experience does not qualify him to give advice.

He expresses respect for his assistant as his only friend but rejects the idea of being lectured like a grandchild. Alexander implies that he has his own way of approaching relationships, which may not align with his assistant's views

Lilly's mother calls out to her several times before she responds. Lilly apologizes for being busy and asks what's the matter. Her mother complains about Lilly not filling water bottles and leaving them around the house, and wonders why Lilly is so preoccupied with her laptop.

Lilly explains that she's an expert hacker and can hack any device or computer in under five minutes, but her mother is more interested in her finding a Mr. Right and settling down somewhere. Lilly asks for a year to prove herself, but her mother insists that a family is coming over tomorrow and the boy himself is a gentleman, so Lilly should not pass up the opportunity.

Lilly protests, but her mother tells her to bring the newspapers to the living room and go to bed. She informs Lilly that the stock market has crashed and it's believed to bea trap for their president. Lilly expresses interest in researching it, but her mother tells her that she's not required to participate and that she must look presentable in front of the guests tomorrow.

Lilly complains that her mother is forcing her to get married, but her mother asks her what she said. Lilly denies saying anything and says goodnight.

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