09- Moving Forward

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(I'm sorry that I couldn't update a chapter on last week because I was busy with my academic stuff. btw I felt so down, when I realized that kissing moment was a Akk's imagination. Maybe in this week episode they will have real one...I hopeeeeeeeeeee)


It was a Friday morning and I woke up before Ayan. When I opened my eyes, I saw that he was laying on my body and his both hands grabbed my neck and face on my chest. Slowly I remembered what happened last night.

"Oh my fucking lord, I told him noh? that I have a feeling for him. No no no, please god, don't wake him up until I dressed up and leave the room...

fuck, why man always for me. This bastard is on my body, so how I try to get up. This is going to be a worst moment..." I struggled with my own thoughts.

"Ummm," well, wow. Ayan was about to wake up. I really wanted to escape from this whole world. His eyes were little bit puff and looked at me with his half opened eyes.

"Good morning Akk" he said.

I thought to pretend sleep but I saw that he already looked at me and waited for my greeting. So I just greeted to him.

"Good morning. we should hurry, it's already 7.30am. Today lecture will start at 8.30am." I just said after my greet for him, because I wanted to change this romantic atmosphere. But this motherfucker still on my body and looked at me with his puffed eyes.

"Hmm, you want to hurry? then lift me up and put me on the bed so you can go to wash your self first" he said and smirked. Even if we turn into a married couple, I'm pretty sure that his this teasing words will be last for until our funerals. I grabbed him with his hip and put him on the bed. But still he didn't try to release my neck.

"Take off your hands on my neck Ayan" I said.

"Aww, Why so rude? I know that you like me. Can you be more gentle with me? Say that, my baby take off your hands from my neck, so then I will release you" he replied.

What? no way I can't tell him like that even I like him. I really blushed after hearing his words.

"Ayan please, you're going to make us late for the lecture" I just took his hands from my neck and hurried to get ready.

We left our dorm room after dressing up and Kan waited at his floor.

"Did you guys clear yourselves? I can see a fresh couple vibe from both of you. hahaha" Kan said when he met us.

"Shut up Kan, Let's go otherwise we will late for the lecture" I pushed him forward and hurried my pace too.

I know that spending time with Ayan is really hard after I confessed my feeling to him too. Also we both knew that our bond going to be a different than before. We just tried to act normal, Infront of Kan during the lecture time.

"You two, have any plans for the evening? Our high schools friends going to held a get together, you wanna join?" Kan accidently invited us to a party while we heading to our dorms.

What should I say? What Ayan will say? Should I accept or decline? My heart was begging to be with Ayan in our dorm room whole evening but my mind was saying that accept the invitation so I can be get along with Ayan little bit more before we start our bond.

"Sure I'm in" I replied.

"Yeah me too. I know that lots of your friends are not prefer me. But as long as there is Akk, I want to go" Ayan said to Kan but looking at my side. This idiot, why he trying to show that we got each other before we getting close with each other.

"Woah, see who is talking? that darn high school kid already fell in love with our student head prefect" Kan shook Ayan's shoulders.

"If he is a good man? Why not? hahaha" After Ayan finished his lines both laughed. I always feel me as a third wheeler when they have their own speech. Holy fuck...

We came to dorms with this sweet talks. When we arrived to the restaurant in the evening where the get together held on, I saw our lots of high school mates were there. Even Kan's dearest Thua. He follows medicine at another university. There were two more mates with Thua, so all of us were six.

"Oh Ayan also here, hey...." One of mate greeted to Ayan.

"Hi, do you all remember me?" Ayan replied.

"Of course why not, Akk's wifey..." other mate replied and all laughed. I didn't try to stop them, because hearing about him like that gave me a happy vibe. Tomorrow was weekend so we didn't bother about the time. We turned into six drunk university students when it near to the midnight.

However all of us made it to our dorm rooms after doing fare well to Thua and others. Me and Ayan also stood Infront of our room's door and struggled to open the door lock with our lock key.

"Akk, can you hear me. Akk" Ayan threw his words like a little kid while putting his head on my shoulders.

"Yeah why" I answered to him after opened the door and both of us entered to the room.

"I'm so happy to be around with you. It's really nice and make me happy every second. You really don't know how much I love to be with you Akk.." we both crashed on to the bed and looked at each other.

"Hmm, yeah maybe..." I just replied and moved my hand to his head and stared to pat.

"Do you feel the same way?" he asked.

"I really don't know, but me also like to spend time with you" I replied.

we looked at each other for a while and Ayan slowly moved his whole body towards me.

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