f i f t y - t w o

Start from the beginning

"oh.. the couch hasn't arrived yet.." hyunjin mutters quietly.

"really?" so there's only one bed, and we have to share. great.

"there was a delay or something like that. but you can sleep in the bed. i'll put a blanket on the floor and sleep on it." i can tell hyunjin doesn't know what kind of tone to use with me. he's nervous. i am too.

"thanks" i walk past him to the bedroom, where i set my things on the bed. it's just as pretty as his living room. i make my way to the balcony, where long thin white curtains are blowing in, as a result of the light breeze outside. gripping the railing, i lean back a little, sun rays beaming on my skin.

the streets are bustling with strangers down below me, but up here, it's like a whole different city. i glance up, sighing in content.

soon after i hear a shower start. it must be hyunjin. i should probably take one too, once he is finished obviously. somehow the fridge has already been stocked full. i grab something out of it to fill my empty stomach.

i scroll on my phone for a bit, before the door cracks open and hyunjin strolls out of it.

wearing absolutely nothing.

i gasp and cover my eyes, turning around in the swivel seat.


"i'm sorry! i didn't know you were in here!" a little shuffling goes on for a couple of seconds.

"you can stop doing that now. and it's not like you haven't seen anything before-" i cut him off, still not facing him.

"yeah but.." my hands are still covering my eyes.

"i'm kidding, i get it" i let them down slowly. 

he strolls towards the fridge, towel hanging very low on his hips. his v-line peeks out, all defined and muscular.

he pulls out orange juice and sips it.

"my mom's friend helped stock up food if you were wondering"

"ah" i look back down at my phone. i wasn't wondering.

a few seconds of silence pass. 

"so.. you hungry?" he turns around to escape from the awkwardness.

"yep" my eyes trail down his toned back, all the way down to the tiny bit of crack i can see.
has he been working out? he swirls back around and catches me staring at his chest. maybe my eyes are deceiving me but i swear i saw him smile.

"do you want pizza? or whatever you want i'll order"

"pizza's good"

the food arrives 40 minutes later and i say thank you in english to the delivery man. for some reason i feel proud of myself.

night time casually arrives and i climb into bed. it's really cold, i almost feel bad for making hyunjin sleep on the floor. but he deserves it.

i fall asleep within 10 minutes. but the quiet sound of shivering wakes me up from my slumber.

it's hyunjin. i slowly remove my legs from the bed, cold air hitting my skin. i shiver, tiptoeing into the living room. it's 10 times colder than it was in the bedroom.

"y/n? why are you awake?" he rises from the floor, pulling the blanket up with him.

i pause, thinking about what i'm about to do.

"come sleep in the bed with me" i almost whisper.

"are you sure?" no hyunjin, i'm not sure. but i can't let him sleep out here like this.


we both climb back into bed and i switch the lamp off. i lay on my back. we face the ceiling.

it's silent for a couple of seconds. until hyunjin's voice breaks it.

"do you.. hate me?"

i press my lips together, thinking. his question surprises me. i have to think about what im going to say.

"i want to. but no, i don't."

"you should. i would"

"it's not that easy to just start hating someone"

"i know, i've tried" he says.

"especially someone you love" i reply, honestly.

he stays silent.

i turn to face him, and he does the same. our eyes stay locked on one another's for a while.

our legs brush and i still.

"i'll do whatever it takes for you to take me back"  he whispers, moving a little closer to me. his voice is filled with pure emotion, sorrow and want mixed together in one.

"i've missed you" hyunjin mumbles, his lips only a few inches from mine.


but i do miss him.. i miss his touch, and his hands on mine. the feeling of his lips on mine.

i can't stop myself. i climb on top of him, kissing him hard.


hi guys! how are all of you?!?
what is your fav..hyunjin hairstyle! i'm curious to know what everyone's is
i'd say mine is definitely long hair.. but i cant decide between blonde, red and black 🤔

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