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I followed him out of the airport knowing I did not have much of choice. He grabs both of my
suitcases and puts ther into the back of what I am assuming is his car. The ride home is not a
comfortable one. Long stretches of silence fill the air. No more than an hour passes as we pull up to a
breathtaking home, Tall stone walls covered in vines, sizable windows line the manor, it is perfect.

Daniel waves me away when I attempt to retrieve my bags, "it's unlocked, wait in the entryway." That is
all I needed to hear, I'm ecstatic to explore every single room.

I push open the doors and I swear I died a bit. It is elegant, rich, and screams old money. I cannot fathom
the idea that it now belongs to me. Simply based off my last name, a gift from alwoman whom I have
never met. My eyes glaze over every vase, every painting.

"It's beautiful isn't it, Clara? " the way he said my nare sent chills down my spine. I stopped to just think
about this situation. Then I realized he was wanting a response *y-yes it's extraordinary" I finally
stuttered out. "You should see the garden at dusk, with the fireflies and the colorful skies." This man is
talking about gardens and sunsets, how dangerous could he be?

"Did your aunt tell you about the creek?" he questioned me. "I will be honest Daniel; I never met my aunt'" taking a long breath. "I've only heard very little from my mother before she passed when I was


"im sorry Clara know how you feel"

"You do?" I ask nervous to hear the answer. Nervous to think someone could understand how I feel.

he pauses "I have watched every single person I have ever loved die." My eyes search his face for some
emotion but there is none. Just as I open my mouth to speak, "my mother, father, brothers, along with
any woman I ever truly cared for." I'm in shock.

He does not seem dangerous; he seems vulnerable and hurt. He is opening himself up to make me feel
more comfortable here. "Daniel?" I ask, making sure to keep my voice low.

"Yes Clarice," he uses my full name, no one except for teachers have called me Clarice it has always been
just Clara. This is strange to me he talks like he is older than what he looks. He looks like he is around the
same age as me. "How old are you" I challenge, peering into his eyes. They are a brilliant shade of green,
staring right back at me. "twenty-three" he puts simply.

Without another word he turns on his heel and stalks inside, leaving me almost running to keep up with
him. Catching the door right before it shuts in my face. But he does not stop in the entryway, he keeps
going around the corner and up the stairs. Once we reach the landing I am met with a beautiful hallway
and I watch him push open the first door on the left.

"This is your room," I step inside my eyes wondering over the huge four poster canopy bed, the
wondrous bookshelf, and the bay window full of pillows and fluffy blankets. It is perfect, there are two
doors on the far wall. I am eyeing them but making no move to figure out whät it is.

"go, look" he says while lightly pushing my back to make me walk forward. The door on the right opens
up to a luxurious closet filled with dresses, skirts, and classy shoes. My eyes widen as I take it all in, my
mouth held agape as l turn to look at Daniel.

"curtesy of your late aunt" he mumbled. Lord that woman must've loved to shop.

When i turned to look at him i was met with just an empty doorway. I don't know why but it hurt my feelings a little. Either way i move to unpack my bags, taking my simple clothes and setting next the the very over the top ones.

My band tees hung next to silk dresses. My dear my aunt had romantic and a bit revealing taste. Lots of slits, low dips, and tightly fitted dresses.

In the drawer sits lacy, satin lingerie and sleepwear. She must've imagined me coming with no clothes at all. This is so fancy and certainly expensive.

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