The Tournament

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Kiana was nervous. In a way that she had not been for some. It was one thing to agree to attend a tournament, and another to find herself standing shoulder to shoulder with so many noblemen and ladies. Meira stood loyally by her side the whole time, her presence warm and comforting, something which Kiana was in dire need of. They had not informed the High Priestess of their travels, nor did they plan to. There was no need for them to be there aside from gratuitous pleasure. And a promise.

"Be welcome! I know many of you have travelled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at the fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news...that I am happy to share: Queen Aemma has begun her labours!" The King announced, bringing Kiana out of her thoughts.

She watched as Princess Rhaenyra arrived during the King's speech, a sheepish expression on her face as she rushed to take her seat beside Alicent. The sharp-eyed girl was quick to spot Kiana in the crowd beside the Royal Box, her lips tightening at the sight. Kiana nodded towards the noble lady, a challenge behind her eyes, as Alicent turned her head away.

"She does not appear fond of you" Meira commented, as Kiana gave a most unladylike snort.

"The sentiment is shared" Kiana responded, as they watched the first competitors take to their horses.

Kiana was startled as the nobles around her began to clap and cheer, their hands raised in the air, elbows and fists prodding into her sides. She and Meira wore dark red cloaks to hide their tell-tale robes underneath, expecting their betters would not enjoy the thought of sharing a row with common-borns. A particular joyous man beside her raised his drink in the air, as ale flew, droplets staining the shoulder of her cloak.

"Men are just the same whether they are born with riches or not" Meira stated, as Kiana nodded at the statement.

Her eyes snapped to the right just in time to see one of the riders thrown from his horse, falling to the ground with a loud thud. His leg twitched a few moments later, the only sign he was still alive. His competitor, a man named Ser Criston Cole, appeared to have not even broken a sweat as his horse galloped past their row.

"It is rather strange to me that instead of being at his wife's bedside, this is what the King spends his time doing" Meira exclaimed, as Kiana gave her a look.

"It is an offering to his Gods. Blood will be spilt on this day, that is to be assured" Kiana pointed out.

"Hmm. But which God is it he prays to?" Meira questioned.

"Surely you do not share Kinvara's thoughts for striving to convert the Royal family? They have been loyal to the Seven for as long as memory serves" Kiana explained.

"Then we will have to prove their faith is fruitless" Meira suggested, as Kiana tilted her head, mulling over the idea.

They had spent so long trying to prove R'hllor's truth and his teachings, that it had never occurred to her, the right path could be to dismantle the other so-called Gods. The clapping beside her grew louder as Ser Criston managed to throw his next competitor from his horse, his moans of pain audible from beneath them. A flurry of movement from the Royal Box had Kiana turning to find Rhaenyra's gaze on her, waving to her with excitement. A smile grew on Kiana's lips, as she waved back at the Princess, endeared by her almost childish behaviour. The smile slowly faded from her features when she found the King's gaze was now on her too, his forehead wrinkled as he watched the interaction between Kiana and his daughter. All of a sudden, drums began to echo around them, as the cheers of the nobles grew louder. The competitors all moved to the courtyard below, as Kiana wondered what was happening.

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