Misc infomation:

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Mythic creatures of the continent:

Mythical creatures of Erush include

Gryfins - very popular mounts for higher gentry
Phoenixs - often binding themselves to the magic users

species still unaccounted for inhabits of the new world


The king above all creatures of the land of erush are the dragons rule the skies and the mountain they have claimed for themselves known as the "sky keep".The dragons have been recorded as a presence since the beginning of time almost as king as the humans have been with some believing they are sent by the one himself to be watchers over the worlds inhabits and act as both his judge,jury and executioners.the race is a mixed bag of both passive creatures and warmongering beasts.Some dragons seemingly spend their whole life on a mountain they call the "sky keep" just living peacefully by themselves occasionally coming down to the races of erush to offer guidance to those who seek it.Other dragons on the other hand are warmongers beings constantly going across the continent raising villages as they please all the sake of their belief they are higher beings and can do as they wish.it's generally easy to figure out which are which but even still the races of erush are generally very hesitant of the dragons and do often come to conflict with them and having killed some of the dragons in the past.

Necromancy and the undead:

Necromancy and the art of raising the dead is either considered the greatest ability that magic holds or a damming of the ones creation of life.Necromancy like normal magic is balanced by the user self control.Obviously what gives them their ability is how they are able to raise and command armies of the dead.Necromancers are usually one of three things.Vampires,Corrupted magic users or users who were not picked up by the sorcerer's league and could not balance and so accidentally summoned a undead force.Undead once raised have a will but it's so minor it's nowhere near comphenable for a human.They will wander around and and fight etc of their own will but they need to be commanded by a necromancer to be effective.Interesting it seems that mass graves from the time of the blight can just spawn undead even without the presence or interference of a necromancer.This means travers and lords alike must deal with a constant threat of the undead.A major threat involving the undead are "Dead hordes" with these being some of the world's most powerful necromancers raise ever growing armys and go on the contuis war March with even some elector states in the holy rhienkon empire have to deal with small sectors of the electorate occupied by necromancers and there forces

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