As soon as I opened Door 0055, the room was pitch-black. I searched my pockets and ignited my lighter. It took me a little longer to start the flame, as the lighter was beginning to lose fuel. Walking around the room, I came across Door 56... with a padlock. Annoyed as ever, I began to search the room for drawers that might hold a little key. I must've taken a while because soon, the guiding lights appeared, illuminating a drawer and the door ahead. As I opened the drawer and took the key, I suddenly had the feeling that Screech was watching me. I spun around and looked everywhere. But... no sign of it. So, I made my way to the door and unlocked it. 

   When I walked out of Door 0056, I heard the psst sound coming from somewhere. Spinning around again, I tried my hardest to look for Screech. But, I couldn't find him. Suddenly, Screech appeared in front of me and bit me! Shocked, I fell to the floor as it flew away from sight. Checking my body, I saw that there was a giant bite mark resembling that of a human's bite on my right arm. As I carefully examined the bite, I realized that I was bleeding. Thinking quickly, I entered once of the bedrooms and ripped off a piece of the blankets, which weren't that hard to tear. Wrapping it around my arm, I turned it into a makeshift bandage wrap.

   Walking out of the room, I realized it there was a key needed in order to open the next door. Thankfully, as I turned away from the door, I saw the key lying on top of one of the drawers. Picking it up, I brought it over to the door and unlocked it.

   Upon opening Door 0057, the lights flickered once more. This time, I chose to stick next to the closest closet. As I hopped into the closet, I noticed that the sound was... different. Instead of a distorted, glitchy scream, it sounded more like a vacuum. Confused, I stayed inside of the closet out of fear. The sound got louder and louder... until the new entity suddenly zoomed right past my closet. As I was about to get out, it suddenly zoomed again in the opposite direction. This startled me greatly, and I was confused and terrified at once. I got out of the closet because of Hide, but then, I could hear the entity returning. Quickly hopping back into the closet, I watched as a green light poured itself into the room, followed by the entity zooming past... then returning. I could see that this new entity looked like a deformed white head with pits for eyes and a giant, gaping mouth with small, but sharp, teeth. It also had a glitchy effect on its body, similar to that of Rush. 

   I hopped out of the closet again, just to jump right back in as the entity came once more. Zooming past my closet, I got out, waiting for its return. But, it seemed to have disappeared, as the vacuum sound was no longer audible. Slowly getting out of the closet, I took some time to think about what the fuck I just witnessed. It was as though this hotel was purposely trying to give me a heart attack. Walking out of the dark room, I passed through Door 0058, still dazed about what I had encountered.

   When I entered Door 0058, everything went dark. Struggling to ignite my lighter, I passed through the room. This room had a fair ratio of drawers, paintings, and closets. A wooden pillar stood at a turn. As I was passing through the dark, I accidentally bumped into a plant in the corner. As I bent down to push it up-right, the light showed a small tentacle coming from my left. I immediately turned around and stared down Screech, and I watched with satisfaction as the annoying thing shrieked and dipped. I turned to the next door and pushed it open.

   As I progressed onto Door 0059, there was a wall and a plant blocking my way. As I walked around it, a bookshelf in the distance suddenly fell over, startling me for a little bit. Seeing that the way is blocked by a cluster of furniture, I turned to my right and swung open a pair of dark double doors. As they creaked against their hinges, the room beyond was shown. Seeing that there was a rolltop desk in the distance, I walked over, avoiding broken glass shards and papers on the floor. In the desk were some gold coins and another lighter! I swapped my lighter for the new one, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it had more fuel than the one I previously had. 

   There was also a typewriter on top of a drawer. I tried typing on it, but I couldn't put in the paper to write on for some reason. The drawers below had some more gold coins, but I didn't bother to collect them. As I went through all the drawers, the only significant thing I found was the lighter. Continuing with my journey, I began to search for a way out. I saw the origins of the glass shards; there was a giant hole in the glass wall. Crawling under, avoiding the sharp, jagged edges, I continued on with my journey throughout this hotel.

   Door 0060's room's lights suddenly began to flicker when I opened the door. This was strange, however. It was peculiar because the lights flickered unusually long, and they were flashing on and off more severely, and I could hear the lightbulbs straining at one point. Scared, I began to look around the room. However, I was unable to find a closet. I fell onto the floor, waiting for my impending doom with fear and terror crawling up my back. I sat on the floor, knees to my chest, waiting for Rush to take me. But... it never came. After a little while, I got up and figured that I should continue if Rush wasn't going to come. I walked over to the door and saw an ominous dark blue smoke coming from beyond Door 0061. Nervousness and dread washed over me, as I didn't think I was prepared to see what was ahead. 

And I wasn't.


   can we put an amen to this chapter?! i seriously wanted to finish this in one day but my mom had to use my laptop for her work 😭 thank the heavens I was able to complete this before my personal deadline! anyways, once this book is done, i'm thinking of continuing to write about roblox stories; whether they are romance, turning gameplay into a story (like this book), or other genres. 

   so yeah, i'm working on two roblox-themed romance books atm actually! one are my original OCs and the other will feature a character from gasa4... :-)

aight, see ya 💆‍♂️


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