"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."- James Dean

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The first thing #2 did when he opened his eyes was growl.

They had gotten him again.

He wasn't able to kick their ass like he had planed and plotted all that time he sat in his prison.

He sat with his legs crossed and looked over the dreary, misty lake that lay ahead of him.

He sighed in frustration. Where were his captors? Standing, he walked to the lakes bank, kicking a rock

into the insanely still water. He stared at his reflection moving with the ripples.

He touched his chest, "#2" printed on his white suit.

His concentration was abruptly broken when a pair blue glowing eyes looked back at him from under the surface.

"Holy shit!" He yelled jumping. It blew a bubble, and swam away. #2 made a face.

What the fuck was that?

Shaking his head in uncertainty, he walked away, watching his bare feet track in the sandy bank.

He was freezing.

He would find them. He would kill them.

But undeniably, it made him unbelievably afraid that he couldn't

remember anything before the box.

He stopped walking when he heard a girl shriek.

It had to be someone in trouble.

They could be there too! He thought, taking off at a sprint to where he heard the sound.

Stopping and putting his hands on his knees to breath, he looked around. A small white rodent-like creature looked at him with black beady eyes.

It suddenly screamed and hopped away. Was it that made the sound?

Jeez, What was with the wildlife here?

He sighed again when his stomach grumbled in complaint. When was the last time he had ate?

He sat down in the tall yellow grass. Looking to the sky, he saw whatever source of light he had begin to fade and move toward the way he had came from. Who knows what kinds of monsters roam here when it was black? He really didn't want to know, so he claimed a nearby tree.

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