Late Night Shenanigans

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Damn, girl, chill out. There's a diner a few blocks away that's open 24 hours for your information.

She hums and nods her head, and we begin to walk to the diner. Since I'm wearing my workout hoodie, I put the hood part on my head. In the process of that, my arm unwraps from Nat's shoulders. That causes her to frown a little and look at me, and takes a double look once she sees me.

 That causes her to frown a little and look at me, and takes a double look once she sees me

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(here's a reference pic bc why not lol. so many people have used this guy to catfish others☠️. they be searching "light skin boy" "cute light skin boys" on google😭)

Natasha: Why the hell are you wearing a hoodie? Especially after you just worked out?

Y/N: I always wear this when I work out; it's my workout hoodie.

Natasha: You're not hot? And, don't say anything stupid.

Y/N: Damn it! How'd you know? Anyways, nah, I wasn't using all my energy, just simple drills.

She "ahhs", and we continue walking down the dark streets of Ann Arbor.

Natasha's POV

The past couple of days have been hard for me. I know Y/N was joking the other day, but I just was fed up from all the shit that happened in my past. When I told him to leave, I didn't want him to leave. Then, when I realized that he wasn't coming back, I wanted him to call me even though he didn't have my number. He also could have showed up to my apartment, but he didn't. Maybe he thought I needed the space? Maybe Y/N thought I didn't want to see his face ever again? So many possibilities could've gone through his head.

Then, he showed up at my apartment with a gift basket and an apology. No guy has ever done that for me. Even though I wanted to ignore everything he was saying, I couldn't because of the sincerity in his voice. That made me realize he never meant to say the things to me the other day.

After coming to the conclusion that I needed to get things off my chest, I marched up and down the streets just to find him. When I found him practicing, I was worried because he was supposed to be resting, but I kept my composure. After I gave him my speech, he held me in his arms while I cried even though I didn't want him to. Y/N made me realize that everything was going to be okay.

Back to us walking down the street, Y/N can't walk in a straight line to save his life, so his body keeps brushing up against mine. I am so close to yanking him and dragging him around like a little kid! If he does it again, I sw-

I don't even get to finish my sentence because he bumps into me again.

Natasha: Y/N!

Y/N: Huh?

Natasha: Will you stop bumping into me?

Y/N: I can't help it! I don't know what you want me to do!

I just shake my head at him and he gives me a goofy smile. Even though there are no cars in the streets, we still wait at the crosswalk lights. The light changes, and we begin walking when I feel a hand slip into mine. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, and I can't stop the giant smile that spreads on my face. I look up at Y/N, and see him smiling back at me. I squeeze his hand and continue walking to the diner.

Professor Romanoff's Athlete (Natasha Romanoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now