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Everything was red. It's like I was looking through red tinted glasses. Looking around I saw buildings destroyed and coming down crashing or buildings that were burning. There were cars either flipped over or smashed to the point they can't be fixed littered along the streets of Paris. There were bloodied bodies placed everywhere I looked. I stood there frozen as I looked at the now destroyed city in terror.

It was like hell in real life. Everything burning and destroyed and all I can do is stand here looking at it all. Wait what about my house? The thought just donned on me, is my house still okay or is it like all the other buildings? Are Oli and Aunty still in there? Are they safe? Are they one of the bodies on the side of the road? The thoughts were flooding my head.

Before I knew it my body was moving on it's own running in the direction of my house. On the way I heard crashing, sirens and screams. Tears started to swell up in my eyes as I could only think the worst.

It wasn't long before I started to breath heavily and I started to slow down. I wanted to stop but I couldn't not until I made sure that my aunt and cousin were okay.

Finally I made it to my house and a huge smile over took on my face as I saw my house still standing. I slowed down now walking and as soon as I got in front of my house I felt like crying. I dropped to the ground as tears welled up in my eyes and my heartbeat got faster. Only half of the house was still standing the other half was a pile of rubble.

Suddenly I felt something warm and wet touching my knee. Looking down I saw a pool of red liquid make it's way from the rubble to my legs. Hesitantly I looked to where exactly it was coming from and I saw a pale hand in the rubble.

I let out a gasp and then a scream and as I did the world faded to black with me in the center of it. "Do you wish you could save them?" a distorted voice said. I looked up with wide eyes seeing if I could spot the person who spoke.

"W-who are you...?" I spoke my voice cracking and shaking as I did.

"I asked you a question. Do you wish you could save them?" The voice asked again.

Hesitantly I nodded my head. "Y...yes I want to save them- I want to save all of them!" I shouted now standing up.

The voice didn't say anything for a few moments making me think that they were gone until they spoke once again. "All of them? Are you sure?"

I nod not sure if they could see me. "Yes, I'm sure, I want to be able to save everyone."

"I knew you'd be the right pick." Before I could question what the voice meant a bright white light appeared and it only got bigger and even brighter until it got to the point that it could've been blinding. I covered my eyes with my arms as the light engulfed my body.

And then I woke up.

𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙞𝙚𝙜𝙚 (Adrien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now