Siren - Chapter 32

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Clara struggled with the ropes that bound her. Torrin had fallen asleep, but she was taking no chances with him. She’d tried to speak to him, but he had ignored her.

It was no use, she found. Reginald had been far too much of an expert of tying ropes. Her heart was beating out of her chest. She had to do something. Everyone would come looking for her, and be ambushed. Sterling had yet to move her… but she felt it would be soon.

Suddenly, she heard the flapping of wings. She looked above her, and saw a large raven watching her. It was silent. She was perplexed. Usually ravens were such noisy creatures.

“Stay calm. Don’t move. Don’t speak.”

Her mouth hung open. Raven.

It all made sense then. Perfect sense. He was a demimal. It was how he’d seen The Fish before the rest of them. Why Lady Moyra hadn’t mentioned picking him up in Arcadian form. How he’d gotten into the castle undetected.

Her eyes were wide as he slowly flapped from branch to branch, silent, his eyes focused on her. He landed in the snow, his black feathers contrasted sharply by the white all around him. She watched in amazement as he became his familiar self once again.

Turning her back to her, his nimble fingers worked quickly to untie the ropes. She was free in just a few minutes. He held his finger to his lips as Torrin stirred.

“Going somewhere?” they heard behind them, and they turned, Sterling standing with his hands engulfed in flames. They were trapped like rats.

“I suppose not.” Growled Clara, standing in front of Raven.

He chuckled condescendingly.

“Brave. Very brave. But do you really think I’d dispose of you now?” Raven grabbed his sword as Sterling came at Clara, grabbing her hard by the arm and yanking her into the air.

He hit Raven with his free arm, knocking him into a tree. He instantly lost consciousness.

“Raven!” screamed Clara, struggling against Sterling’s vice like grip. “Don’t you touch him! Do you hear me? Don’t touch him!”

“Bring him along, will you? Such nuisances.” Torrin grasped Raven’s leg in his mouth and dragged him along behind his master.

“How much further?” spat Mallach, tossing his sword from hand to hand.

“Ye asked that two minutes ago!” growled Reginald. “And I told ye, not long!”

“So, does anyone have a plan?” asked Jupiter. “Octavious?”

“I’m thinking as fast as I can!” he hissed.

“I have a plan.” Said Pontus coolly.

“Thank goodness one of us does.” Muttered Jupiter. “What’s the plan?”

“Go in there and kick their arses, of course.”

The pirates laughed, still in good spirits despite being wounded. Mallach kept fiddling with his sword until Hazari caught it in mid throw.

He glared at her, and she glared back, baring her teeth.

“Easy now,” replied Jupiter, “leave that for the evil ones.”

The snow and ice crunched under their feet. The waterfall splashed and they were all quiet, listening for an ambush.

“No’ much further.” Whispered Reginald. It was eerily quiet as the wind sighed through the trees. A few birds flitted anxiously from bough to bough.

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