chapter seven

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as lauren headed out of camila's room she sent ally a quick text: she knows.

ally instantly knew what she was talking about. she started to panic but didnt have much time to do that because lisa started crying.

"no baby. hush. please dont cry." ally cooed, picking up her newborn child. she really wished she would've taken some parenting classes. but who has the time to do that when you're being stalked by the guy who raped you at your first few months at college, 24/7. well he cant do that anymore because- well; he's dead.

so single ally must do this on her own. with the help of her mom of course. but her mom told that she'd have to find her own place soon. she wasn't exactly kicking her out, but in a way, but she was.

ally got her baby to quiet down, laying her down for her nap. she sighed and sat down. taking of care of a baby was hard.

lisa was just born a few days ago and ally had gotten a total of 2 hours on sleep.

she stared at her child and gently played with her fingers. she started thinking of putting lisa up for adoption.

"do you really want to?" her mom asked.

"i dont know." ally sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "i love lisa, she's my baby.... shes my baby..." ally kept repeating. "but mom, im so tired. and it will be like this for 18 years... and i still have to go to school! i cant be a mom right now."

"ally baby..." her mom stroked her arm. "i know taking care of a child is hard. but watching watching them group up is amazing. ally, when i had you, it was the best moment of my life. but its all up to you ally. if you want to put lisa up for adoption by all means, go ahead."

"can you watch her? i wanna take a walk and clear my head."

her mom nodded.

ally grabbed her jacket and her phone before walking out the door. she plugged in her headphones and walked down the sidewalk. she passed a playground. she watched as mothers played with their children. ally paused her music and watched the little people run around laughing. she also saw some of the parents talking, sharing a few laughs as well.

when one of the kids fell off the monkey bar and started crying ally started to walk again.

she unlocked her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she found the perfect name: lauren. she dialed it, getting an answer soon.



there was a cough on the other end. "whats up?"

"nothing much..." ally kicked the rocks underneath her. she got so nervous when she talked to lauren- and it was wrong. "um, i just wanted to know if you wanted to like meet up somewhere."

"ally i dont know if-" lauren started.

"yeah yeah i get it." ally interrupted her. "the whole camila thing... right."

"yeahhhhhh...." lauren trailed off. there was just silence for a while. "well look i gotta go. i'll see you at school." and with that, ally heard a dial tone.

she sighed and slid her phone back in her pocket. she knew where she had to go next.

the hospital.

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