Entering the kingdom

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"I heard the hero association was also getting some heat from the people as well, Luckily there are a few who still believe in us but for how long," said present mic. "I think the first thing is to try to find a way for people to still believe in us," said Blood Vlad "I agree as well but how," asked present mic. "Izuku I now understand why you hate our current society and want to change but there has to be another way besides killing," thought Nezu.


The next day in Izuku's kingdom

Izuku along with the others were sitting on their thrones except for Yasaka who was recovering from last night. In addition, two new smaller thrones were made for Eri and Kunou. "Alright looks like everyone is here good, first I would to discuss how we will deal with the people that will enter the kingdom in three days, there will be people who honestly want to come to my kingdom then there are those who will use this opportunity to sneak in and try to find some way to take us down, therefore, I have already made plans for such things first souei," said izuku "yes izuku-sama," asked souei.

"I want you and subordinates to observe the crowd If anyone looks or acts suspicious investigate them thoroughly," said Izuku "By your command, it will be done Izuku-sama," said Souei as Izuku nodded "Next demiurge," said Izuku "Yes izuku-sama," asked demiurge "I would like to thank you for your hard work now we have an abundance of food for the people who will come and for that you are in charge of the new residents that will enter the kingdom," said izuku as demiurge was at a lost for word "A-are you sure izuku-sama to give me such a role," asked demiurge "yes this is your reward for your help or would you like I give this task to someone else," said izuku.

"No izuku-sama I will take this reward with gratitude, I will make sure to live up to your expectations," said Demiurge as he kneeled "I know you, now then we still have a lot to do before the others arrive so let's get to work," said izuku "yes izuku-sama" said his subordinates.

Three days later

Everyone was anxious as they wondered when Izuku would show up the gates started to appear with death knights coming about as stood on each side of the gates. A huge one opened up to where AFO died and Izuku walked out "Hello everyone I have returned like I said I would, for those who want to join my kingdom please step through the portal and don't worry the heath knights are there to protect you should someone stop you from achieving your peace" said izuku as multiple people then started to walk into the portal with their luggage's.

"Stop right there," said a voice as the people looked back and saw Endeavor along with some heroes and police officers. "well, well if it isn't Japan's new number one hero what can I do for you," said Izuku "you might have tricked the people in believing your lies but not me, I am placing you under arrest for the countless murmurs you have committed," said endeavor as izuku eyes glowed green "lies you say you think I would make up all those beating, insults and hatred I received my entire life just to trick people, well you are mistaken I guess when you become number one your brain starts to shrink, death knights protect my people," said izuku as some of the death knights charged at endeavor and the other heroes.

The people rushed through the gate as fast as they could as Endeavor was fighting a death knight he shot a huge fireball at the death knight only for his aim to be off and was heading for the people who were scared out of their minds only for a death knight to appear before them and used its ability to create a force field around the people as the fur ball hit soon the flames died down as the people were safe and headed towards the gate.

Luckily those were the last of the people and Izuku called back the death knights and closed the gates leaving Izuku there he looked at Endeavor and rushed towards him grabbing him on the head and slamming him into the ground then lifted him again letting him go and roundhouse kicked him in the face sending Endeavor crashing into a building "You are lucky that I am stopping here for you are someone else's prey but next you try something like this again I will make you sorry to have been born, enjoy being number one because soon you will be nothing" said izuku as he disappeared.

Back to Izukus kingdom

Izuku made it back to his kingdom and as everyone was looking at him he cleared his throat "I would like to welcome you all to my kingdom actually, I would like to welcome you home because this place is for us even now they try to heal us but I will not allow it we have suffered too much to let them take from us what we deserve to know this no matter who tries to take us on they will now only defeat you have my word" said izuku as a person started to clap then another and another soon everyone was cheering for izuku as they made the correct choice in joining him.

Soon the clapping died down as began to speak "I'm sure you all must be tired go to the center of the kingdom and there you will receive notes that will take you to your new houses and if you would like a job we have plenty of things that need to be done" said izuku as everyone was heading for the center of the kingdom as izuku went there to help settle in his people.

As Izuku looked down at the crowd he saw someone not moving to look up at him. The person in question was none other than Yuna As soon as their eyes met they instantly knew that they were similar to each other and that is when her father grabbed her arm and pulled her so that they could go to the center and get settled. Unaware that soon her life would change completely.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

The Supreme Ruler Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora