New resurrected and a shrine

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Mei soon passed out as izuku released her and took the blindfold off "today was a good day" said izuku as he pull the blanket over them and went to sleep.


Izuku woke up and got out of bed and stretched. He then opened the curtains and let the morning sun illuminate the room. Izuku then saw mei and Melissa were still asleep he smiled then went to put his clothes on and exited the room quietly to not wake them up. "Good morning izuku," said lupusregina as she bowed to him "good morning lupusregina can you please take mei and Melissa some food when they wake up," said izuku. "As you wish izuku," said lupusregina "thank you," said izuku as he kissed her on the cheek before leaving the dining room leaving her smiling.

As izuku entered the dining room he was greeted by everyone as he sat down he saw inko feeding eri and smiled. "So what plans do you have today izuku," asked Hisashi as he took a bite of his food. "Nothing comes to mind, what about you and mom," asked izuku "we are going to explore more of the kingdom with eri," said Hisashi "alright but just in case I am going to have cocutus and ranga accompany you," said izuku. "You worry too much," said Hisashi as they finished eating their food.

Izuku then went to the throne room and sat on his throne but he was not the only one four more thrones were next to his and the ones who are sitting on the thrones are Shuna, Shion, Albedo, and Shalltear the rest of his subordinates were kneeling before them. "What is the status of the kingdom," asked izuku as demiurge stood up "the kingdom is flourishing thanks to David, Melissa, and Mei they have improved the way people live, we found a cavern full of gems so the wealth of the kingdom has also improved," said Demiurge as izuku smiled at how his kingdom is progressing.

"Is there anything else?" asked Shuna "not at this moment" said demiurge "what about our informants?" asked Albedo. "Iida informed us that there are some people in his class that wish to join us and they are headed to a private area to train, as for toga she says that she would like to give her report personally to you izuku-sama," said Demiurge. "How are our forces looking," asked Shion " there are no problems as of yet but I believe we should have some of the undead forces to tend the fields," said Demiurge. "Care to explain why," asked shalltear "in time more people will join my kingdom but the question is will there be enough food, to counter this problem in the future demiurge is suggesting that we put the undead to work in the fields, the reason is quite simple they do not get tired and can easily cultivate more food that we can store using magic, and not to mention we can give the people who are tending to said fields more rest so to not burn out am I correct demiurge," said izuku.

"It is as you say izuku-sama but to think you even went further by explaining other benefits, I am in awe," said demiurge as the others were also astonished by izuku's explanation. Izuku then stood up from his throne " I approve demiurge's plan for the undead, if any of you are against it speak now" said izuku as everyone remained quiet "good demiurge when this meeting is over you are to start preparations immediately" said izuku "of course izuku-sama" said demiurge as he bowed.

The rest of them gave their reports to izuku which was the same every day. That is when izuku had an idea " demiurge do we still have that nomu from USJ" asked izuku "yes and we also managed to capture another one during the whole stain incident" said demiurge "excellent bring them to me at once" said izuku "yes sir" said demiurge as he left with two death knights to retrieve them. "What are you going to do izuku," asked shalltear "I am going to give toga a partner and plan my revenge," said izuku as demiurge returned with the nomu from USJ and another nomu with a feminine build.

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