The second day

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(A/N: I'm hoping to update for three or two days in a row, but I don't know yet. 'cause like, I have so many works to do T-T I also need to pack my things. I'm finally moving out of my house! TvT)

      The pale orb of the night shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. Dim lights could be seen from the apartment building from the outside. A some what loud noise could be heard slightly from one of the level in the apartment.

-Law's PoV-

      The noise could heard clearly and loudly from my apartment. It came from my neighbor. Yes, it's that bubbly bright boy that just moved here today. 'YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME'. I closed my ears with my white pillow.(but of course it doesn't do any better).

      That annoying bubbly boy is f*cking snoring, and have been continuously snoring annoyingly and loudly. 'Is he seriously going to do this ALL NIGHT?!' I sat up from laying on my bed while both of my hands still covering both my ears with the pillow.

      I turned my body to look at the clock on the wall. It's already 2.05 in the morning, and he is still snoring loudly. 'THAT'S IT! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!' I reach an object nearby and tossed it as hard as I could. But I kind of tossed it too hard and now the wall have a curve and a big crack. Luckily the wall at the apartment isn't thin. If the wall was thin, the orb that I just throw would probably make a hole. But I suspected that on the other side would probably have no scratch. If it ever had, probably just a small crack. 

      But that made the snores stop. I sigh, 'finally.' but now my wall have a crack. Yeah just what I ''need''.


      The blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gently breeze. I sat up from my laying position and get up from my bed. I wore my home slippers and took my towel. I took off my long coat that I sleep with and put it in the laundry. (yes he sleep with clothe on, but he doesn't button or zipped his clothe each time he sleep)

      I showered and brush my teeth. I looked at the toilet mirror. 'Is it just my imagine or something? I feel like the dark spot below my eyes gotten darker...' After that I put on my part-time job uniform. I brushed my untamed messy hair and wore my white hat that have black spots as the pattern. I took my wallet, keys and my smart den den mushi (smart den den mushi is a new type of den den mushi in the modern era. It function just like our smart phone in the real world) and put them in my back pockets except for the apartment key. I wore my black shoes and went out of my apartment. 

      As I was about to close the door behind me, my shoe stepped something. "?!" I looked down and saw a card with a plate beside it. On the plate was an egg sandwich. I took the plate and the card. On the card : "I'm sorry about last night! Here take the sandwich as an apology from me. - Luffy."  It have a messy hand writing but still can be read. "Hm."

      'I hate bread.' I throw it away in the trash bin beside my apartment and put the plate back in front of Luffy's door. I proceed to lock my apartment and went to my part-time job.


      I work at a clinic a few blocks away from the apartment building I live in as a part-time clinical assistant. I was organizing some documents and patients records on the clinic front desk. In front of me is a friend of mine, Ikkaku. Ikkaku was also organizing some papers. We wore the same uniform. White v shaped collar t-shirt and a white trouser. The only differents is that mine is short-sleeves while her's are long sleeves and different hats.

      I closed my mouth and "Yaaawn". Ikkaku looked at me. Her right eyebrow went up while the left went down. "Wow, you look dead dude." She said. "Yeah I know, my new neighbour sucks. He f*ckin' snores like a freight train." I went back to focus on organizing the papers I was organizing. 

       Ikkaku stares at me. I looked at her and asked, "... what?" She smirked. "Hoho~ Is he cute?" She asked with a shining eyes and both of her hands put together. '...' "Don't you already have a boyfriend?" I asked. 

      "Yes, and I love him. But I'm just asking, damn dude..." She crossed her hands. But I mean, even if you asked me if he's cute.... I don't know, I guess he is a little-? 'Wait- what am I thinking-' I sigh. "Well I don't know. He's just really short, I guess? Around this height, maybe?" I wave my hand little, horizontally beside my right shoulder.  

      She looked at me with a face saying like 'really dude?..' "Yeah, I definitely asked that..." She said it with a sarcasm tone. "...." Sigh, I'm to tired to answer stooped to her level. She sigh. "Why don't you just buy some earplugs then?" She said as we get back to our work. "I use them when my neighbour plays music really loud." I looked at her. "Huh, that might actually work-" 

      "OOOOOOOR! You can just talk to your neighbour!" A male with a white mask with eyes closed and smiling mouth on it said. He have brown hair that spike up. He is Ikkaku's boyfriend. You could say we are friends, but not that close. Both Ikkaku and me turned to look at him. "Oh hey babe!" Ikkaku said. "Hey."

      I stared at him. "Andy, are you trying to piss me of? and since when were you here?" I asked. "Hmm, since Ikkaku said you looked dead maybe? Also, It was a joke!" He patted my shoulder. I brushed his hand off. I sigh. 'It's not like a want to kept it as a secret.' "Calm down you're so defensive!" Ikkaku said. As they both chuckled. "Whatever." I said in whisper tone. 


      I was going to my apartment. I crossed the annoying and loud boy's apartment when i remembered what Andy said to me. I sigh and knocked on his door. A faint shuffling sound could be heard before the owner of the apartment opened the door. He looked up and smiled. "Oh! Hi neighour!" He said with a wide childish smile of his. 

      He was wearing a red sleeveless vest? with yellow buttons and v collar. He didn't button his clothes and letting his smooth and muscled stomach and wide chest exposed(you could even see his nipples). I instantly looked at his face. 'Why did I knocked!!' "?" He looked at me with a confuse look and tilted his head. "Oh right! Did you like the sandwich I gave?" He asked. "No." I said with a flat tone. 

      "No? Oh... Really? I see... I'm sorry." He looked hurt and looked at his feet. "!" I felt guilty and said "Just- don't give me bread next time..." 'What am I saying..' He looked surprise and looked up. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't think that you don't like bread." He chuckled with a big grin. "A-" I was about to said something when I was interrupted by a den den mushi sound. "EH!" Luffy jolted because surprised by the sound. 

      "Ah, sorry, excuse me-" he turned his body to his right and answer the den den mushi. "Hello?" He answered. I turned around to went back to my apartment. "Oh wait! Are you leaving already?! Okay then, see you later, Tora-o!" He half yelled. I went out of his apartment and closed his door. Before I properly shut his door, he said to the person in the call. "Oh, that just my neighbour. He's really nice." 

      I went in my apartment and put my groceries in the kitchen. 'Why do I feel so guilty?' I closed my eyes and put both of my hands on the kitchen counter. 'Dammit...' 

(A/N: The next update will either be tomorrow or today, but late. So stay tune! Thanks for reading!! vote and comment <3)

The Star That Appear Out Of Nowhere |LawLu|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora