- 9: Mariah

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The night has chosen to go down the sea, and the sun rising to horizon. The wasteland glow with the color of orange and purple, a beautiful rising sun to announce their brand new day. Tessa is still sleeping, Cade and Reze is still in the outside. Shane just reading some newspaper he found

Cade was recalling some moment before they were here, Tessa cries while calling for him. Reze that were targeted and just accepted to die still haunting him. "They were going to kill her..."

"And they still were" Reze said

Cade decide to go inside, leaving Reze in the outside. The hybrid recalled some memories last night, before she went to sleep. She saw two rats looking at her, as if they were listening or seeing her this whole time

Her brain think it might just be an hallucination, so she decide to go to bed waiting for the next day until they moved over from this place.

She let out a heavy sigh

"You must be Reze, Tessa adopted sister right?" Shane asking her

"Yep, That me"

"I saw what you done to those agents, that was cool. Tessa always talk to me about you, but never those"

"Thank you for the Compliment, Shane."

"Your name sound pretty cool, where you came from?"


Awkward silence between them making Reze decide to meet Cade. Reze see Cade looking at some old small Computer, The computer show a green alien robot seem to be Optimus close friend

On the autobot hand were gun shooting at the seem-to-be Agents that were chasing him.

"I'm an Autobot! I'm an Autobot!"

Before his bodies were sparkling up and getting attacked multiple time, Seeing how many guns were used there. The Gun devil must be so powerful here, which could be a danger if devil exist here.

Reze just stare at it, seemingly unconcern by the autobot process of death record.


"Grab anything that we could use as a supplies, clothes or anything. And take that computer."

Cade and Tessa were Taking some clothes and supplies, Reze did the same thing, extra the Food. After they packing things. Optimus immediately appeared to them, Stopping infront of them.

"Let's go"

They all picked up the supplies, Reze who was an expert of cleaning the junk back in the barn. Could easily lifted them up, like she was lifting an Adult dog. And goes toward Optimus

Ready to continue their journey


On some private jets, Attinger were looking at his tablet. With James Sleeping on a couch and the woman that were beside him when he went out to meet Lockdown on the ship

"You said he was no one" Attinger say, Causing James to open his eyes and look at him. Attinger showing him the tablet, "Well this no one. Has our tech"

The tablet show the drone Cade catch to holding a card with a word 'I WILL FIND U!' The woman that were sitting infront of him chuckled as she place the tea back to it's plate

"Well what a Surprised, James. That nobody gonna find us. Care to explain?" The woman said to him. Her soothing and calming voice always give him this shiver

"I-I don't know Ma'am, He must be taking those when optimus show himself."


She drink her tea again, but this time she let out a Paper from her Suitcase that were beside her

"Attinger, You must be Wondering about the girl-" She throw on paper toward Attinger "Her name was Reze Yeager. Adopted daughter of the Mechanic, She was a strong girl with an Unknown background or parent"


"This girl isn't your ordinary one, She was an Ex-Soviet assasin"

James and Attinger were surprised at her word, Attinger pickup the paper and read every detail about Reze Personal Biodata. His eyes looking at the Woman infront of him, "What is her age?"

"She dosen't remember her ages, So they went to chose a 9 year old. Right now she currently... 16 year old."

"How do you know her, Mariah?"

The Woman name Mariah, chuckled slightly at his question. She already expecting a question like that, She revealed her eyes that were hidden by her black colored bangs.

Her eyes terrified him, It was Yellow orb with multiple red rings inside. As it was hypnotizing Attinger to do what Mariah order

"we are once an Acquaintances."

"Wait, does that mean you once worked for the Soviet?"

"No." Was all her answer to Attinger, Mariah drink her tea again after that she give another Reze Biodata at Middle school. Attinger reading that and it was all the same

"Do you wonder she wear the choker everytime, Attinger?" Mariah pointing at the Choker Reze mostly wear for the life time. Attinger slightly nooded. "That is not a normal Choker, that choker are just a disguised for the grenade pin located in her neck"

Attinger can't believe her words, He feel like he was getting prank. "I'm not in the mood of your S###t jokes"

"Do you think i always joking when talking about something so serious?" Mariah look at him in the eye, Still keeping the usual Smile. "Those are real Grenade pin, Experimented by the Soviet as a Valuable weapon. She is not a human... she is Devil"

James and Attinger could only look at each other and look back toward Mariah, The word she said are Convincing and a little off that Attinger need to ask more. "Soviet union fall at 1991, I don't think she will be that young"

"Oh Attinger... I was talking about Another soviet union i know"

Attinger look at her, Whenever she talk it just make her more Suspicious. He always wonder who the heck is this woman, why is her eyes like that? Why is she always calm whenever she was threaten?

Right now, He just has to give her a question, "So you mean there a Neo-Soviet on the rising? or is the surviving Soviet from the past"

"None of those."

"Huh? You just added up my confusement, Mariah."

"I know, But this is my secret, Attinger. Reze yeager is a hybrid meaning she is both a devil and a human.-" She drink the last bit of the tea before continuing her word "-Sound unbeliveable right? Trust me is the truth. Since i have some job to finish, I requested you to capture her for me. Keep this information classified. Harold Attinger"

Mariah pickup her hat and wear it, Attinger could only look at her and then shifted to the Paper. He could feel Mariah was threatening him if he disobey her order.

Right now, He just need to followed the plan. And capture that human and devil hybrid or whatever.

A/N: I honestly need to list how many of you guys waited for this new chapter, Lmao. Honestly, i never expect this story to blow up, this is the first time i ever have a story read by many reader. I Made this story just for fun because i have brainstrom that day and didn't expect to get many readers. Thank you for waiting! Though it's still on hold due to my motivation weakening, i will try to update a little new chapter. Buh-bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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