At least that's how Dad always described it. Personally, I always thought this vase was hideously ugly. He couldn't have bought a cool Ming vase with scary dragons and warrior symbols and stuff? Noooooo, he had to have a boring old plain red one because it's supposedly more unique and valuable. Dad had the vase put in storage when we moved in with Aunt Lexie but he had it shipped here almost immediately after Grandfather's funeral. In hindsight, he probably should have left it in storage, so in a roundabout way, this is really his fault.

I have a sinking feeling he won't see it that way though and I also have a feeling, I won't be sitting down comfortably anytime soon in the near future. In the short time I lived with my father before we moved in with Aunt Lexie, he had the vase in a protective storage case that he kept with several of his other antiques in a locked room that was off limits to me. I got quite the spanking when my father caught me trying to unlock the door with a paperclip.

What? Don't judge me. They make it look so easy to pick a lock that way on tv. I honestly think I could have done it but Father caught me before I had the chance to MacGyver my way in. I'll never forget that day.


I had no idea he was standing behind me almost the entire time, until I heard him intentionally clear his throat to make his presence known. I turned around slowly with my makeshift lockpick in hand, to face my very irate, yet somewhat amused, father. He silently glared daggers at me before beckoning me toward him, slightly motioning with two fingers for me to come closer.

I gulped as I reluctantly made my way over to my dad. Standing before him, I bit my bottom lip as I hid the paperclip behind my back and kept my gaze focused on the floor at his feet. I flinched feeling his calloused hand tilt my chin up to meet his cold orbs.

"Just what do you think you're doing, young lady?"

"Uh," I stuttered, stalling for time to come up with a brilliant cover story. "I, um, was just, uh, cleaning the doorknob," I said, with as much confidence as I could muster, considering I was so scared, I almost pissed my pants.

"With this?" my father asked. Pulling my arm out from behind my back, he plucked the makeshift lockpick from the palm of my clammy hand.

For some unknown stupid reason, I tried to maintain the lie, despite being caught literally red-handed.

"Yeah, uh," I swallowed hard before continuing, "that's to clean the dust out of the lock. I saw it on Pinterest."

Despite trying to hide it, I saw a slight smile flash across my father's face, his eyes momentarily dancing before he quickly suppressed his mirth beneath a tight lipped scowl.

"I don't think lying to me is your best course of action in this situation, my girl. Do you?"

"No sir," I replied sadly.

"I want the truth and I want it now, little one. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Father, I'm sorry. I just wanted to look at all the cool stuff you have in there."

"And are you allowed to go in that room, Claire Francesca?" he asked sternly.

"No sir," I said softly, looking down as I nervously shuffled my feet.

"Look at me, little one," my dad said firmly, standing impatiently drumming his fingers atop his crossed arms.

Raising my head to meet his frightening gaze, I couldn't keep my tears from falling.

"You need to listen to me when I tell you not to do something. That room," he said pointing, "is not a playroom. There are several expensive, fragile, irreplaceable items in there that I don't want broken or destroyed. Understand?"

Sniffling sadly, I nodded in response.

"Claire," my father said my name in warning. "Answer me properly now," he ordered.

I shivered hearing the unmistakable authority in his voice. I know he's going to spank me for this. Hard.

"Yes sir, I understand," I managed to timidly squeak out my reply, as I watched my father take a seat on the sofa and pat his lap.

As I laid across my father's knees, he said, "I'm not happy with your behavior, young lady. You're going to learn one way or another, there are consequences for your disobedience." Then he started to spank me. I gasped at the burning pain each slap of his palm delivered to my round bottom.

I grunted and squirmed in discomfort. My father's knees were poking into my stomach and my butt was stinging something awful. I was trying my best not to wriggle around too much, afraid my father would get really angry but this spanking hurt bad.

"Ow! Not so hard!" I cried out, reaching back to cover my throbbing bottom.

My father swiftly pinned my hand to the small of my back as he peppered my buttcheeks with more crisp slaps.

"I told you that room was off limits for a reason, young lady. If I ever catch you trying to sneak in there again, you will learn firsthand how painful it is to be spanked with a belt. Am I clear?" he asked, tapping my bottom.

"Yes sir," I blubbered out, sucking up the snot running from my nose due to my constant crying.

Lifting me off his lap, my father kept ahold of one arm as he gave me one more stinging slap to my beet red behind.

"Get your pajamas on and brush your teeth. You're going to bed early tonight."

As soon as he let go, I scurried up to my room faster than I ever had before.


Family: Out of BusinessWhere stories live. Discover now