Chapter Twelve

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Before I could even comprehend what happened he was gone

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Before I could even comprehend what happened he was gone. He left me in a whore house with tears flying down from my eyes and my underwear at my ankles along my virtue haven been stolen by a beast.


I walked outside as Saphira landed I quickly got onto her and we flew high above the clouds I didn't want to return home yet I just wanted to be at peace and being with the only thing that had ever saved me from pain and suffering, that being my dragon.

I let Daemon climb inside my body and kept him captive with my kiss.

I watched with Saphira as the sun was about to rise showing us the dawn of the new day I prepared myself before looking down at Saphira I rubbed her head

"Ivestragī īlva return lenton" I told her

Let us return home

She obeyed and with that, she soon landed on my balcony and I walked through my room before smiling at her feeling disgusted at myself. I sighed before quickly making myself a bath I wanted him off of me.

After a while and a cry, I climbed out and soon dried before getting dressed ready to face the day today I was requested to join the king in the thrown room as soon as I could join him

I sighed and looked at myself in my mirror when I felt two arms around me I looked in our reflection and seen Rhaenyra

"Everyone is waiting for you" she told me

"I have feeling something bad is going to happen today" I said to her

She nodded in response and led me out into the corridor as we walked in silence we appeared in the thrown room I expected more people but it was in fact just the king, otto, Rhaenyra and a few guards spread about

"We have gotten word that past the owl last night You accompanied Daemon to his whore house don't bother to deny it" I stood there shocked like yes I definitely did it but still.

"Who's word is more believed than mine your grace? The princesses bestfriend or the man's who's daughter is attached to thy hip and wishes to take Rheayra's throne for her own children?" I said bitterly

"How dare you-" Otto was cut off by The king

"I knew this was a lie" he smiled at me

I just all but called his wife a whore and he just smiles?

I gave him a confused look "I should know better considering you and he are engaged" I widened my eyes Before remembering that the king had hand selected me to be a bride and breeding source for his brother

"Where is uncle? Why shall he not take the blame for this treacherous lie?" Rhaenyra spat as she clung to my arm staring at her father

She seemed different. Whatever it was she would probably just tell me later.

"He has returned to his lady wife in the Vale" The king uttered

"How is it he and I can still be engaged when he has another wife?" I snapped

A bunch of men deciding wither I should live off scraps until Daemon basically claims me instead of marrying for love.

"His union at the time benefited the kingdom princess" one of the kings guard told me as I nodded

"So your grace tell me how many more men should I wait hand and foot for?" I asked crossing my arms the second Rhaenyra let go of me to turn around before the king answered me


"That is not good enough Viserys my daughter deserves better" I froze hearing the voice that dared to interrupt the king

Everyone stopped and turned to look at the woman who stood behind us I refused,

My demon was vanquished years ago she cannot be back. I refuse it I deny it.

"Not even going to look at your mother or bow?" I let out a laugh at her statement before turning to her I looked her over

She got old.

She looked different she was wearing not so exquisite dresses as our house usually did and her hair had even darkened in colour now just looking yellow instead of the white, that's when I noticed it.

The ring she used to wear as if it were nothing around her neck was gone

My fathers ring.

"Where is it?" I asked she looked confused before her knight stepped forward with a satchel

"Here Daphne" I stated up at him as I took the bag

"Princess" I corrected him before looking at the king "I'm going riding so I will not be taking Rheayra's classes, she has worked incredibly hard and I believe she deserves a day to think about her uncles departure" I stated before turning back towards the door and leaving. Quickly.

I could hear footsteps following me but I ignored it and walked faster until the person spoke

"Daphne" Alicent's voice rang through my ears and I turned to face her tears already threatening to spill from my eyes She noticed as clear as the sky she knew what the cause was

My mother.

She did the unexpected and hugged me I was shocked and stood there awkwardly

I didn't enjoy hugs much like I didn't enjoy Alicent the wannabe queen for company

"It shall be alright" she told me as we pulled apart and she placed her hand on my cheek that's when I noticed her neck

My handprint still slightly printed around her like a chokehold.

It was a chokehold one that she would've lost her life to  if her stupid knight hadn't of stepped in

"Why are you being kind to me?" I asked she waited a moment "some type of trick?" I questioned she looked shocked

"No Daphne the gods no" she told me as I scoffed and wiped some tears away from under my eye

"The last time we met I tried to kill you" I told her

"And I could have your head for it" she told me I laughed as more tears fell as Saphira landed just at the entrance to the courtyard "Are you going to see Daemon?" She asked as I laughed

"I just want to be left alone" I told her through glassy eyes "I just wish the wish away the world and my mother so if you want my head so badly to be a table piece or a piece on a wall then" a few tears fell "then so be it Alicent do it put us all out of our misery" I told her before turning towards my dragon

My gifted dragon. My reward.

"Be careful Daphne as I expect you will try to return as last as possible" She told me

"You need to be careful Alicent" I warned she looked at me "that mother of mine is nothing like me"

Alicent scoffed "perhaps she is kind then"

I was kind. I was always kind to her.
Alicent was the one who broke both Rhaenyras heart and mine. Not I, I was a loyal and faithful friend.

"She's the reason my father is dead so yes your grace be careful" I spat before taking off on my dragon

We flew high into the sky as I began to think not only about my mother she was not the most important situation going on perhaps the dangerous.

Most definitely the dangerous.

But I was still engaged to Daemon still forever his frozen queen on a chessboard or perhaps one of his pawns he would sacrifice for the throne But nevertheless still


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