Sparestre Empire:

The Sparestre Empire was much as it's fellow empire in the form of the holy Rhiekon empire was originally a group of tribes that were conquered by the Riodobas empire and other ancient kingdom and after the empire collapsed it remained for several years a province of constant war with various lords and external threats fighting for control of the continent.Eventually the continent would settle down into 3 kingdoms that ruled over the territories via interconnected families.This result in a mass amount of inbreeding from the monarchs to ensure that all possessions stay in the family and are never lost but as a counter effect of all of the inbreeding it made a lot of the successors infertile which grew as a problem overtime.During the time of arrow and sword the nation remained out of major conflict other than the occasion wars with the Faleaux and the Estrish and during the time of the great blight they went through what the scholars of the nation branded as the "renacimiento de fuego" or the rebirth by fire in common.During this time the nations branch of the church of one decided the best way to deal with the blight was through the ones cleansing flame and what followed was mass burnings at the stake,Mass amounts of flagellant activities,Execution of anyone with even a small hint of the blight and mass death committed in the name of the church and in the and name healing the nation and after the blights decline the nations was in a poor poor way and the three kingdoms decided to unify into one to form the Sparestre Empire.What followed would be the nations golden age with them thriving in the Renaissance but old habits die hard as the nobles inbreed had reached its highest and lowest point with the crowning of the King Charles the 11th who would be nicknamed by his people "The feeble" as he was so heavily inbred he had mass health complications and was completely infertile and when he died due to said health complications he left no heir.This is where the Hielschers return to the scene as a disgraced son of the family by the name of Philip of came to spanestre after being exiled by the family and during his time there he became one of the kings closest advisors alongside now one of the leaders of the nartau republic maurice of orange.When King Charles the feeble died and with no heir to follow a power vacuum opened and the ever opportunistic Hielschers make their move as Philip claimed that he as the king's closest advisor should take over with this being met by a mix of outroar and rejoice by the spanestrian nobles and when Philip sent message to his family promising to align his empire with theres in return for acceptance back from the family and aid in taking the throne the Hielschers accepted the offer from there disgraced son and after putting military and religious pressure onto spanestre they eventually caved and Philip was crowned king and sphere of influence expanded majorly.In the modern situation the spanestre empire is one of the strongest powers in erush with its forces being some of the finest drilled and tested from the limited fighting that has been seen since the blight and is heavily confident after its recent defeat of the Faleaux kingdom and as well it's forces are ready to back up the force of Hielschers wherever that may be.On the civilian from rather than the military one the spanestrans are one of the richest nations in the world due to them being the first to discover the new world and it rich's with the new worlds discover and contents bringing in great trade from items like exports and as well loot taken from there wars with the native Atzma empires.

Faleaux Kingdom:

Once one of the mightest kingdoms of the continent of erush and the ones who filled the power vacuum left by the Riodobas empire for many years but since then there power has fallen significantly to now being nothing much more than another puppet of the Hiechlers.Winding back the clock a few years the kingdom of Faleaux was like many of its other surrounding neighbors a collection of small kingdoms and tribes who eventually fell under the foot of the Riodobas and after the collapse of the empire it was them who seized the opportunity to attempt to fill that power vacuum with somewhat success with them being one of the major seats of power in the continent for many years to come but during the time of arrow and sword there power waned and became similar to there peers.In the time of the great blight the nations reacted much as the rest of the continent did with ending of its military conflicts and focusing there full efforts towards finding a cure for the great blight but where the nation has come to shine has been in the recent in the renaissance with alongside the iteric city states the nation became one of the major beacons of the renaissance striving forward in art,fashion,science,medicine and cuisine but with all the newfound commerce that this bring them it would sew the seeds for the downfall of the nation.After the discovery of the new world and emboldened by the mass amount of money that was being brang in by the spanestre empire and so started their own colonies in the north of the spanestran empires new world and eventually demanded that spanestre hand over their colonies to them.The spanestre empire refused to back down especially now being under the control of the Hielschers and the first war in about hundred years broke out.The Faleaux Kingdom were expecting a easy Victory against the spanestrans but that victory did absolutely not come as the where soundly defeated about one major valiant defeat at the battle of Borroux and then the threat of mass intervention from the Rhienkon empire the Faleaux surrendered under immense pressure.As a a part of the defeat the spanestran king Philip forces the Faleaux king into exile and replaced with a Hielschers puppet king which is how the kingdom came to serve under the Hielschers.As for the kingdoms current situation it will be whatever the Hielschers decide it will be as it's puppet king John is more focused on attempted courting than he is the threat of war looming but the major rumors surfacing around the population is that a prisoner in the center of the Capital with a mask forge of steel and magically bound to his face might be the true king Louis and that he is planning a attempt to return to power

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