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Bruce was 14 years old, and going to school in North Denver. He's well know for being number 27 on the baseball team, but more know as the 'Ladies Boy'. He didn't mind knowing that people liked him it's just something about that title just didn't sit right with him, and he never knew why.

Bruce Yamada and his little sister Amy Yamada
were always treated nicely by their parents, until bruce hit the age of 7 when he was able to join the schools baseball team. At first no one took mind of it because he was young and when you're young you don't always have the best positions and it just takes practice.

He wishes. Just practice.. ? for other kids all they needed to know was how to run fast, catch a ball, throw a ball, and hit a ball. But for bruce? He needed to have the perfect haircut, he needed to be no more than a certain weight, he needed to not show when he was upset (especially on the field), he needed to not be too short but not tall, he needed to be the perfect batter/hitter on his team. But yet his parents were setting that goal to being the best in town.

It overwhelmed him so much, and it got out of hand to the point where he wasn't even allowed to have friends that stepped out of the boundary of 'perfect'. He didn't mind because all everyone did was use him for fame, but deep down it kinda hurt him. He wasn't able to have any friends, and yet HE'S one of the most popular boys in the town!

All he wanted in life right now was a break. and not a weekend where he can sit down, like an actual break. One where he can calm himself, one where he can show how he feels, one where he can have friends and do crazy shit together without getting lectured..

345 words

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