Garlie Jones: Chapter 1

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The bright light hit the back of my eyelids and the door scraped the floor. My eyes opened. "Subject 248 it's time to wake up. We have someone here to meet you. She's a pretty thing but you behave you hear?" Doctor Smith let in a female human. She stood tall in the shoes she wore. They clicked on the ground as she entered the room. She wore a red bright dress and long red things hanging from her ears. Her lips were the same color as the dress. Her lips pressed into a thin line when she saw me. She removed a stick inside her brown hair that let her hair flow down her shoulders. Like Dr. Smith said she was a sight to behold.

"Can you excuse us?" She turned to the doctor.

"I don't think it's okay to leave you alone with him."

"I thought you said he's only dangerous when he's had the Juice."

"Yes, but-"

"Very well then. I will knock once I'm finished here."

He nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

He walked out.

"Hello there. My name is Garlie Jones and I'll be your therapist." She moved the chair from the corner of the room to he front of my cage and sat there.

I stood up from my bed and walked to the wall of my cage made of glass. I put my hands against it. How nice of them to send me a female beauty.

She smiled at me. "Listen. I am here to learn about you. According to Dr. Smith you aren't much of the talking type but I can assure you all conversations between us are private." I said nothing. I wanted to make sure I could trust her first. She could trick me like the others. Make me think she is my friend then betray me.

"What is it you like to do for fun, Subject 248? Hobbies? Activities?" I said nothing still. "I like swimming. Do you like swimming?" She eyed the small pool inside my cage and I looked at it too. I enjoyed swimming. Most of my time were spent in the waters. I had the ability to hold my breath for hours.

"Do you not like talking?  Li really would like to get to know you? Will it help if I told you about myself?" I opened my mouth to reply but closed it shortly after. "I like talking to people, getting to know them, helping them with their issues and problems. That is why I became a therapist."

I sat on the ground with my legs across each other. I wanted to know a lot more about this human female. My instincts told me she isn't like the others.

"If you do not wish to speak to me, it's okay. This is our first meeting. Can I get you something? A drink? A food item? I believe there is a fish in the freezer."

I liked my lips at the mentioning of fish. There were none in my pool and I wished there were. I missed the days of catching them. But the fish here at the facility were frozen and tasted differently.

She left the room and when she returned, she had a bag with the frozen fish inside. I smelled it before she made it to me. I waited by the glass opening and she lifted up the lid and put the back inside. I opened my lid and grabbed the bag taking the fish out and stuffing it inside my mouth.
My body digested and threw up the bones of the fish out. I made sure to throw it away in the bin where all garbage is disposed.

"You have a nice day, Subject 248. I am glad to have met you. Perhaps next time you are more opened to talking." She left.

I like her. And, I couldn't wait to see her again.

The next morning Garlie returned and brought me a gift. It was a basket of toys. When I squeezed them they squealed. She told me Doctor Smith wanted me to learn self control. My hands were twice as big as humans and much stronger. Many things I held would squish in my hands. The toys exercised my fingers and helped me.

That day she asked me a few questions about how I felt and I only gave her a smile then she was gone again.

The morning after, she entered and I noticed something different about her. Her eyes had a pool of water in them. I came to the the glass and put my hand against it. This time she did the same. I starred at her, wanting to understand why she cried. "I am sorry for my appearance. It has been a long day." She sat in the chair.

"How are you, Subject 248?"

"How are you?" I returned the question, slowly, making sure I say the words correctly.

Her eyebrows rose and she smiled at me. "Wow. You finally talking to me. I am okay." She nodded. "How are you?"

"I am not okay," I replied.

"Really? Why is that?"

"Someone made you cry."

"Oh." She glanced down. "It seems Dr. Smith and I shared a disagreement."


"He wants me to give you the Juice."

I started to panic and shook. "No!" I yelled at her! They were using my one good friend against me. It was starting again. The betrayal. The lies. The pain. I threw things around in my cage out of anger. It grew and grew until rage was all that I could feel.

The door of the room opened and Doctor Smith with five security men entered. "Ms. Jones, I think you should leave. It appears Subject 248 has became erratic."

I heard them in the back round speak. But my madness drove me to hit against the glass with my fists.

"What are you going to do to him?"

"He needs to be put down."

"Put down?"

The security men entered my cage with their weapons and held me down while one injected me in the arm with something that wasn't juice. It made me fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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