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(Moon's pov)

     I can hear them arguing downstairs. Again. I feel like it's all they do these days. I'm used to it, I guess, but I still don't like it. And I only feels worse because I'm not the target and I still can't do a thing about it.
     The volume on my headphones is at the highest it can go, and, although it's loud at least I don't have to listen to them fighting. It stresses me out far too much, and as hard as I try to ignore them, I always somehow manage to hear the worst parts.

     It's another reason I wish we could be a little more normal, but that's my family for you.

     The shouting has stopped. Finally. An eerie silence fills the cool air in my room, only broken by the soft sobbing I can hear from downstairs.
     I know who it is crying. I don't even need to judge anymore. There's nobody else in the house Sun hates enough to argue with them that much.

I fear leaving the safety of my bedroom, so fast after one of them but...
     I feel sick with guilt listening to him down there, all alone. After all, I'd want somebody to come and comfort me if I had been the one Sun had chosen to quarrel with.
     I've only ever had one or two  disagreements with him, (so much for Lunar) but they were not pretty.
     It's only a few more minutes before my soft side takes over and, realising the risk of disturbing one brother I'm not quite so fond of, I find myself tiptoeing downstairs in pitch silence.

     I can see Eclipse in the corner of the room, his head buried in his knees. His shoulders arch as I approach, in the fear I maybe somebody not so nice, but he visibly relaxes when he sees it's me.

 "Hey." he waves for me to come over weakly, and I sit beside him. "Look who came out again." 
"What'd he do this time?" and it's mumbled, as usual, through my gritted teeth.
"Nothing terrible. It was my fault to be honest. I know not to talk to him when he's in one of his moods. I know. But I had to ask him..." he trails off. "Anywho, I'm fine really."
But the tears dripping down his cheeks are telling me otherwise.
"There's blood on your face."
He stares back at me, those huge sad eyes that peirce my heart.
"It was a misunderstanding, Moon. An accident. He told he didn't mean to." he attempts to hide the sadness in his face.
"Don't you worry."
I'm looking back at him through squinted eyes. How he deals with this every day, it amazes me really. But he can't lie for toffee.
     I have a full view of his face now, and I can see the huge red gash running from his forehead to his chin, still bleeding. It looks painful, and I can see his left eye is barely open.

     "How do you accidentally do this?" I ask, gesturing to the literal battle wound on his face.
"Please don't get all anxious, honestly, I'll sort it out with him sometime tomorrow, 'k?"
I sigh.
What are we going to do about Sun?

ACT I  A Fully Dysfunctional Family (S.A.M.S opposites day AU)Where stories live. Discover now