Chapter 15 - No Akitos allowed

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"Y/n I have a secret to tell you but don't tell Akito!" Ena whispered.

Y/n nodded.

"So I honestly think that Akito literally loves you so much to the point he wants to marry you in the future.." Ena whispered.

Y/n suddenly felt hot in the face.

"I heard him flirt to you about your future house too. I find that as my evidence." Ena chuckled.


"He's pretty far into the future huh?" Ena said.

"Really far.." Y/n said still feeling flustered.

"If he did marry you I wouldn't have any problem!" Ena smiled.

"Gosh Ena..." Y/n sighed with embarrassment.

"Wow I thought you got the hints from Akito?" Ena replied with widened eyes.

A knocking was on the door.

"What is it?!" Ena said.

"You gotta go eat dinner." Akito responded on the other side of the door.

"Fine. Y/n remember to not tell him!" Ena whispered.

Y/n nodded before following Ena out the door.

"I swear Akito if this is one of your pranks just to get Y/n back..." Ena said.

"If you don't believe me then don't." Akito said pulling Y/n towards him.

Ena rolled her eyes before walking downstairs.

"Ena didn't tell you anything embarrassing did she?" Akito sighed.

"Don't worry she didn't." Y/n smiled.

"Good." Akito said before leading Y/n to his room.


"Wow! Nice room!" Y/n grinned.

"Thanks." Akito replied.

Y/n kept looking around and spotted something on his desk.

Taking a closer look she saw that it was a picture of Akito and Y/n. Y/n remembers that Kohane took the photo while An kept teasing Akito. Toya was just watching.

Y/n smiled to herself before turning back towards Akito who was already looking at her.

"Geez...Akito you kinda scared me." Y/n sighed.

"My bad. You seemed very absorbed in the photo. I couldn't help but think about what you were thinking about." Akito replied honestly.

"You wanted to know what I was thinking about?" Y/n's eyes widened.

"Yeah you seemed to remember every single detail of the photo." Akito chuckled.

"Of course I did!" Y/n grinned.


Y/n was sitting at Akito's desk while he laid on his bed, they were in comfortable silence. A knock was heard at the door.

"Yeah?" Akito said.

The door opened to reveal Ena holding two leaflets.

"I need to talk to Y/n about something." Ena said.

"Oh? About what?" Y/n asked.

Ena walked over to Y/n and placed the two artworks.

"I haven't done traditional art in a while Y/n sooo I want your opinion on these! Which one is better?" Ena asked.

Y/n inspected the artworks for a moment before saying her comment.

"I think the one with the vibrant colours is nice! I don't know why but it's just so...pretty and the colours have been used nicely! But the other one is so pleasing with the pastel colours and it's like there's a meaning behind it so I cant choose! They both have their own benefits!" Y/n commented.

"I see! Thanks so much for your opinion! I'll keep them in mind!" Ena smiled before taking her art works.

"See you later Y/n!" Ena said before leaving the room...not closing Akito's door.

"Ena! Close the door when you leave will you?!" Akito shouted.

No response.

Y/n stood up and closed the door for him.

"How annoying." Akito said.

Y/n chuckled before walking over to Akito and sat on his bed.

"Is it always like that?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah. But that's how Ena is I guess." Akito shrugged.

"I see." Y/n replied.

Y/n saw the clock and spotted it was 9:30pm.

"Shoot! Akito it's 9:30pm I have to go home!" Y/n said standing up but immediately being stopped by Akito.

"There's no point Y/n. It's raining and it's already dark." Akito said.

"Raining? Really?" Y/n questioned looking out the window.

"Oh it is..." Y/n said.

"You have to stay the night." Akito said.

"Wouldn't you're parents be angry or something?" Y/n asked sitting back down on the bed.

"What if they will." Akito said.

"What?! You don't care?" Y/n said.

"Well yeah. They don't care about me and Ena so why should I even try." Akito sighed.

Y/n's eyes widened.

"They..don't care about you?" Y/n questioned.

"No. Our father told Ena bad things about her art and that. That's why she's like this I'm guessing, our father is never satisfied with her art." Akito explained.

Y/n got even more shocked.

"I feel so sorry for you two.." Y/n said looking down.

"It's fine. Ena is doing better than before because of that group. Before she kept scratching me, throwing stuff and yeah. Even Toya saw the scratches on my face." Akito chuckled.

"I don't even know what to say.." Y/n said.

"Well at least it has passed. I didn't even know what to do to help since she was so violent then." Akito said.

"You care about Ena I can tell." Y/n smiled

Y/n stayed quiet before looking straight towards Akito. He looked right back at Y/n.

"You have pretty eyes Y/n." Akito said.

Y/n got surprised for a second before smiling widely at him.

"I could say the same for you." Y/n replied back.

They kept staring at each other for a minute before Y/n broke eye contact and pulled Akito into a hug.

That caught him off guard but he eventually hugged back.

"I love you so much Akito!" Y/n suddenly said while facing Akito still hugging him.

"Y/n you say that so unexpectedly." Akito chuckled.

"I know! So? Say it back!" Y/n said breaking eye contact.

Akito held a smirk before lifting up Y/n's chin and looked at her full of sincerity and affection.

"I love you too. Even if you say it out of nowhere." Akito said.

Y/n felt her cheeks get hot before smiling at him affectionately before pulling him into a kiss. To which Akito returned back full of happiness. He never knew his birthday was this special to him.

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