Riddle Me This

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Meanwhile our heroes arrive at the Pokemon Center but find it packed with people looking to sleep.

Nurse Joy: I'm very sorry. We've got so many visitors, they're even sleeping in the lobby. It's the busy season. We simply don't have any room.

So our heroes then leave.

Brock: I think we were the only ones in that whole center who actually have Pokemon.

Misty: Well, I guess we can always camp out again in our sleeping bags.

Y/N: Hey, look!

Up ahead was a hotel.

Y/N: I bet we get a room there.

Hotel owner #1: You must be joking. We haven't had a room in weeks.

Our heroes try another hotel.

Y/N: Uhhh, let's try this one.

Hotel owner #2: No rooms in this hotel! We're booked up for a year! Try coming back late next summer, or maybe in the fall!

And another hotel.

Hotel owner #3: Sorry, nothing here.

And another.

Hotel owner #4: Have you tried the hotel across the street?

And another.

Hotel owner #5: Sorry, no vacancies.

Our heroes walk away from the hotel they checked low, tired and hungry.

Y/N: I'm so hungry, I could eat a Tauros.

Misty: I'm too tired to eat. I just want a nice, soft bed.

Brock: I've had it! Let's just find a spot to camp out!

Y/N: Sure. Unless all the camp out spots are taken as well.

He says sarcastically. 


We see our friends walking through a park looking for a place to camp out when suddenly Brock remembers something.

Brock: Y/N, what about that card that old guy gave you?

Y/N gets out the card.

Y/N: Must be directions to his hotel.

Brock and Y/N examine the card closer.

Y/N: Wait, I see something on it.

Brock: Huh? That's strange. If you look near the swing, you'll see my hands. Or at least my face.

Y/N: Not another riddle!

Brock: *looks behind him to his left* There's a swing over there, but I don't see anybody's hands or face.

Y/N: Me neither.

Misty: You'll see my hands, or at least my face. *pictures a clock* I've got it! He means a clock!

Y/N: A clock?

Pikachu: Pika? (A clock?)

Eevee: Vee? (A clock?)

Misty: Look up there! You can see the hands and face of a clock. That must be the Big Riddle Inn!

Everyone looks up over the trees behind the swings and sees a building with a clock, the Big Riddle Inn. Soon our heroes reach the inn and are greeted by the same man from before.

???: Once again, Misty came up with the correct solution.

Misty: That was an easy one.

???: As a prize, I'll give you all free rooms at the hotel.

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