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"Hey, bae, how's E class treating you? Is the air in the room draining your life force?" The blonde said as she held your wrist to check your pulse.

You put a hand on your head and dramatically sigh. "I fear I do not have much time left my love, take the kids and go!"

"What the hell is going on?" Maehara facepalmed.

"Hey Y/N I haven't seen you since the last student body meeting." Isogai grinned at you.

You turned away from Rio and looked at the guy you always thought was too perfect to be real. "Hey, Isogai! Shocked to see me here?"

"Very shocked, but it's nice to see you here you look less miserable. If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" Isogai questioned out of curiosity.

You pointed at Maehara. "That one's ex-girlfriend doesn't like me so I fought with her little clique and got carried away."

"Why am I involved?" Maehara cried out.

"Is that all it took to get you into E class?" Nagisa asked and soon half the class were crowded around Rio's desk.

"Isn't the girl you fought with in B class? For someone on the student council and close to Asano you sure got a harsh punishment."

"Plus y/n is quite innocent and known for being a model student so it's not like the fight was hardcore."

After you heard that Rio burst into laughter and you forced yourself to remain nonchalant. "Y/n you're so innocent aren't you." Rio cooed as she patted your head.

"This school is full of injustice." You mumbled appearing sad to the class.

Tersaka walked up to you with a scowl on his face. "Quit the theatrics, we all know that you're here because you did something so fucked up even your little boyfriend couldn't help you."

Murmuring sounded throughout the class and by looking at their facial expressions you could tell that they were intimidated by you and curious to find out what happened.

You sighed as you ran your fingers through your hair. "I'm terminally ill so I thought I could help kill the octopus and save the people I love before time runs out."

"I'm so sorry y/n you're so kind and selfless." Someone said and others nodded in agreement.

"...Just kidding!" You laughed before putting your head on the table.

"That's not funny Y/n, joking about serious things like that is disgusting." Kataoka reprimanded and others mumbled words in agreement.

You lifted your head from the desk and glared at everyone. "What if I told you I tried killing someone on the main campus and that's the reason I was sent here."

Rio snorted at your comment because she knew you were going to lie to them again. "No way... That can't be true!" She feigned ignorance.

"Just kidding!" You giggled.

"I'm so tired of this shit stop playing with us and give us a real answer!" Terasaka yelled as he gripped your collar.

You removed his hand from you and smiled. "I just cheated on my midterms... Just kidding! Or not because one of them is true."

"Talking to her is so draining I don't get how you do it, Rio." Someone said and others agreed as they turned away from you.

Rio put her head on your shoulder and grinned. "Talking to her is the most entertaining and interesting thing to do. You wouldn't know though because you lack the intelligence to understand anything that comes out of her mouth."

#𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄, 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙖 𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙚Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu