As soon as I entered Door 0043, the whole room went dark. Unlike the previous room, this room actually needed a light source in order to see. I lit my lighter . . . and found out that the next room was another plus-shaped room, each with a door. And across from me was most likely a locked door. A few steps and some touching later, I could confirm that there was, indeed, a lock. The feeling of dread kicked back in, as that would mean that I might encounter Screech again. As I nervously began to explore the room, careful not to let my lighter set the wooden doors ablaze, I began to search the drawers. I checked everywhere; on beds, in drawers, on the floor, on chairs, everything! However, I was unable to find the key anywhere. I slowly began to lose hope when . . .


   I frantically began to look around me, trying to find Screech. After staring right above me, I could see that Screech was there, levitating above me. It was still gazing menacingly at me, almost like it was staring into my soul. Suddenly, it shrieked loudly and disappeared. Still shocked from what had happened, I saw that a drawer was glowing blue. While it was a strange sight at first, I realized that these were probably the guiding lights that helped me when I was being chased by that creature earlier. Putting my trust into the light, I opened the drawer . . . and found the key! I was so ecstatic that I must've danced around for a bit. Afterwards, I walked out the room and saw that the locked door was also glowing blue, a tell-tale sign that these lights were most likely an entity as well. As I was about to unlock the door, however, I felt that something was watching me. I turned around and was met face-to-face with Screech once again. It screamed in my face and de-manifested, giving me a great shock once again. As I left the room, I was still wondering how Screech manifested without pssting first. Whatever the case was, it was the least of my concerns now. Why you ask? Because the lights just flickered, and I could hear the glitching screams of Rush rapidly approaching. Thinking quickly, I ran to the nearest closet and hopped in just in time, as I could see Rush zoom past me through the crevice of the drawer's doors. 

   I popped out and avoided all the broken lightbulbs on the floor, which had just been shattered to bits and pieces by Rush. Doors 0044 and 0045 had all their lights knocked out cold, but I was still able to get out thanks to the help of Door 0046's bright glow. When I got past the two dark rooms, I kept walking forward, as Door 0046 only offered a room full of closets and empty bookshelves.

   Door 0047 had lots of drawers to loot from. As I went through the drawers, I came across a bandaid. Upon touching, an aching on my leg, one that I got after jumping through the door from the creature's pursue, had now vanished. I looked at my hands and saw that the bandaid was gone. This strange item put me in a good mood, as it told me that there are a variety of items whose only purpose is to help me progress in this strange hotel.

   Door 0048 seemed to be a dining area. The table had plates, cups, silverware, and napkins which were each placed in front of their respective chairs. Around the room hung four paintings; three on the left and one on the right. Across from the door I was standing in was a fireplace, whose fire warmed up the room greatly. Upon first glance was I able to see that there was no "Door 0049" waiting for me. Stumpted, I studied the painting a little more. That's when I realized that there were blue lights that highlighted a shape. Looking around, I deduced that I needed to move the paintings around so that their frame would match the highlighted perimeter, like a puzzle. Without wasting time, I began to move the paintings to and from. I don't really remember what the paintings looked like; I only remember a galaxy and some red & orange painting. All I know is that there was an oval, a square, a rectangle, and a rectangle but its length is bigger than its width. After I placed all the painting in their spots, a "ding" sound was audible. As I looked around, I saw that the fireplace was beginning to move into the floor, shaking the room with it. I watched in astonishment as the fireplace revealed Door 0049 on the other side.

   Careful not to trip on the slightly protruding top of the fireplace, I entered Door 0049. I was met with a giant double-door, a door which marked 0050 on the top. Its design and framework was a lot more intricate and more pleasing to the eye. It was as though a skilled sculptor took two regular doors and chiseled them into the entrance of a queen's castle. I was dumbfounded by how magnificent the door looked compared to the rest of the hotel. However, my thoughts were interrupted by a bloodcurdling growl . . . a growl that of a hungry predator, ready to feast on anything that dares enter its territory. Chills ran down my spine, as I began to shake uncontrollably in fear and terror. Whatever was waiting for me on the other side of that double-door was most definitely not friendly, and it may have been starving for generations on end. 

   After mentally preparing myself and saying my heavenly prayers, I stepped forward . . . and entered my most possible coffin of a room . . . room would be an understatement.


   sorry this chapter was a little shorter than usual! i sorta rushed this and there wasn't much to write about. i said in a previous chapter that i would reveal more abt the character n stuff, but i dont think that should be the main focus of the story. hence, u wont see much information regarding the MC's life before this hotel horror. 

   yes, room 50 will be its own chapter, as i wanna cover everything that happens based off of my own experience LOL 💀

   anywayss~ i'm gonna be working on another book soon called "Adventurous, Aren't You?" it's basically a romance book based off of my two roblox avatars bc i'm mentally not okay and seek comfort thru writing 😍

with that, val out~


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