Can you heal me? Have I gained too much?

ابدأ من البداية

Basil felt a rush of worry, and looked to his mother for a moment, then back to the reporter. "Um... I- I think she'd be a good m-mayor..."

The reporter turned to her camera, ending the interview, but was interrupted with a shove aside from a slightly obese man. He wore a pinstripe suit that seemed slightly too small, with an american flag baseball cap and sunglasses.

He ran up with his much more obese cameraman to the stand. The receptionist from the hotel, Annie, followed.

Annie made a small wave, before the man walked up to where the woman stood previously.

He spoke some unintelligible English while lighting a cigarette. The no smoking sign on the front door must've been lost in translation.

Annie looked at him mortified, and began pleading to him for a few seconds then began speaking to Basil.

"He is going to begin an interview. He said a few slurs so... I'm going to change them a bit... Um..." Annie took a deep breath, then began her translation, "He asks... how did that... chinese boy... turn you into a... homosexual."

Annie turned to the man, who began speaking to her. Annie's face twisted with disgust, and she silently left the hall. The man looked angry, and began shouting, his fat head completely red with anger, screaming at Michelle in some accusatory manner.

Michelle's face remained smiling, and she clicked a red button on her pager, prompting two men in tuxedoes to escort the man out by force, dragging him out as he made some sort of tantrum cries, spitting his cigarette on the carpet.

Unfortunately, that had the consequence of the sprinklers finally being set off, causing the reporters and cameramen to peel out of the hall in fear of their equipment being damaged.

"Agh, damn it all! Now the only interview there is, is the one with that gossip channel, and that Radio Free Asia twit!" Michelle stomped on the wet carpet in frustration.

"Sorry-" Basil began, but his mother already turned to them and talked over him.

"Well, I can still be famous all over China, tomorrow you two give it all you've got, and I can be a sensation for all the gays and the transes!" Michelle exclaimed with excitement.

Despite it being for selfish reasons, Basil felt happy being able to actually talk to her mother without her being absolutely dismissive.

Sunny was less optimistic, and rolled his eyes at Basil's mother's less than subtle narcissism.

They stepped out of the hall, sopping wet. Even the paparazzi pitied them enough to not snap pictures. The English speaking reporter from earlier yelled at them as they entered the limousine, pre-prepared with towels covering the seats.

Michelle cleaned her now ruined makeup off her face, and faced Sunny and Basil. She had a big smile on her face. "I think this could definitely swing polls majorly in my favour, especially your little speech at the end. I always knew there was hope for you, Basil. That's why I decided against having another child to inherit the company instead of you!"

Gee. Thanks.

Basil noticed his hand still clutching Sunny's, and pulled it away. "Sorry..."

"It's okay." Sunny said quietly.

Michelle completely ignored the boys beside her in favour of returning to her phone.

"I'm sorry that you had to say that on stage in front of basically the whole world." Basil said solemnly.

Sunny shrugged.

"Sorry I forced you into yet another lie..." Basil apologized again.

Sunny shrugged again, "It's fine Basil. Don't feel bad about it."

In spite of Sunny's reassurance, Basil still felt very bad about it. Basil may not know it, but Sunny didn't really lie when he spoke on that stage.

Look at these dumbasses, can't even hear me because I'm the narrator.

The limousine came to a sudden stop, Michelle didn't even flinch.

"Make sure you wake up nice and early tomorrow. Clean with shampoo too, there's some minerals in the water here which can be bad for your hair." Michelle spoke without looking up from her phone.

Basil and Sunny left the limousine, and closed the door behind them. The limousine promptly left as they walked into the hotel.

Basil and Sunny made their way to the central elevator, purposely avoiding the left-most one.

They felt like kids that just left the pool. They rushed back to their hotel room, Basil inserted their keycard.

"You can shower before me if you want." Sunny quietly said

"You don't have to do that, Sunny..." Basil looked down.

Even in the smallest of things, you're so selfless... and all I do is take and take.

Even though Basil felt bad, he felt cold as the air conditioning flowed through his clothes, stabbing his skin with chills.

Basil self-consciously covered his chest, and grabbed his bag containing his clothes.

"Thank you so much Sunny... for everything." Basil said, then closed the door to start his shower.

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