A Cornelian Choice

Start from the beginning

Total silence between us. A glance at the others confirms their scepticism. After all, she had never tried anything like this before. Would the fact that she was taken out of the HQ really give her this idea ? Could it be possible that she was that stupid ?

"Are you sure ?" asks Cleo

"We looked everywhere, he still had it before we went to lock her up. Then afterwards impossible to get hold of it."

I start to walk out quickly and I hear Maelstrom in the distance asking me to keep them informed. The two agents follow me and I ask them. "Why didn't you warn me earlier ?"

"We didn't realise until about ten minutes ago." Spinkick informs me to my right. 

We arrive in front of the cupboard that serves as Black Sheep's cell for the duration of our stay. I take out my pass and unlock the door. Entering, I notice her in the corner of the small room, lying on the floor in a ball and clutching her stomach. "Wake up !" She stirs but remains asleep. I give her an electric shock and she wakes with a start. The Cleaners, who have arrived in the meantime, grab her and drag her out of the room. I come out as well and they kneel her down next to me before checking that she has nothing on her. They then enter the room to search. I grab her hair and pull back (to look her in the eye more easily) as she screams for me to let go. A slap shuts her up.

"Don't you have anything to say to me ?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Doctor." I tighten my grip.

"Stop lying to me. I'm giving you one last chance to be honest."

" Stop, you're hurting me. Please, I didn't do anything. I swear."

Vlad walks out of the room with a VILE phone in his hand which he hands to me. Black Sheep looks at it with fear. Then her gaze passes over me as I stare at her while taking the device. It has been partially crushed, preventing me from tracing any communication that may have been made.

"It was hidden in a section of the wall that was damaged." Boris informs me. I raise an eyebrow at the girl while holding her in place by her hair.

"I'll give you an opportunity to tell me everything and maybe I'll heal some of your wounds after your punishment. With whom did you communicate ?"

"No one, Doctor. I didn't know it was there."

"Stop with the lies, you're making it worse for yourself."

"Please. I'm telling the truth, believe me."

"As you wish." I throw her to the ground in front of the two agents who were watching the scene. She lands with a thud followed by a groan of pain. "You two, I'll give you an hour to make her talk, I want to know everything. You will bring her back to me at the end." I turn to report the events to the remains of the faculty.

"How far can we go, Doctor ?" Spinkick asks, a little too enthusiastic for my taste.

"You have carte blanche with two exceptions. Don't kill her and no fatal or too serious injuries."

"Count on us Doctor. We'll make her talk." Flytrap chuckles as he looks at her. I return to the main room without a backward glance at the girl.

Carmen POV

I held back tears as the two agents forced me forward. I didn't understand what was going on. When Dr. Bellum had forced me awake to hurt me, I was scared. When I saw the phone, I understood what she was blaming me for, but I never took it. I am sure of it. They throw me to the ground and Flytrap uses her ropes to tie my hands in front of me and then my ankles.

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