"Lies." I said. She laughed then her mood quickly changed into a rather serious one.

"Okay so, Niall Horan. Talk." She said, raising her eyebrows on for me to laugh at.
I sighed and told her everything about how when I figured I liked him, the butterflies, and even how when guys hit on me, he starts acting all angry.
I'm still confused by the minute.

"Well, seems like the Irish lad has a massive crush on you!" She said, my eyes grew wide and I looked t her like she had taken drugs and jumped off a cliff or something.
Or something.
I laughed and frowned at her statement, "Not possible."

"Well you said it yourself, why would he get mad when other guys hit on you? Oh, I don't know... maybe he's jealous!" She yelled in a know-it-all tone of voice. She has a point, why would he be jealous, though? I mean it's possible he could feel the same, but I don't want to get my hopes too high on this.

"Oh snap, I've got to go. We are not done with this conversation! Love you BYEEE!" She hung up so quickly, the screen going black.
"Bye?" I laughed to myself.

I got up and decided to get ready for the day. Walking over to my bathroom I looked over to the Calendar and noticed that the month was now November!
November is when I always have the most fun here. With all the award shows and everything. I looked at the dates and the first one occupied was the 8th and it's One Direction's performance at the XFactor. I'm so excited!
I ran into the bathroom with glee and took a quick relaxing shower.

After my shower I went to the living room and now I had probably been sitting on the couch watching TV for around an hour.
God this is so boring.
I decided to text Niall.

"I'm sooo bored "

I took a sip of my iced tea and placed it back on the coffee table. Just then my phone vibrated, indicating I received a text.

"Hey! Lol yeah me too, wanna come over? "

I looked over my options.
Be bored here, or go hang out with Niall? Hmm... yeah such a hard decision.

"Yeahhh! Ill be ther in 10"

I texted and ran upstairs to my room. I took my jacket from the door handle and walked downstairs, being careful not to trip over anything laying around.
Like a Lego.
Grabbing my keys, I made my way over to the garage and hopped into the car.

Niall's POV.

"Boys! Dakota's coming over!" I yelled, walking over to the fridge taking out some chips and a couple of drinks. I placed it on a tray and made my way to the living area to find Zayn reading a book.
That's surprising.
"Zayn, Dakota's coming over." I said putting the food on the coffee table.

"Okay." He said still glued to his book, I rolled my eyes and walked away from him.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I got up and opened the door to find beautiful Dakota smiling up at me.
Yeah I called her beautiful.

"Hey Niall!" She said, rushing in and giving me a hug.

"Dakota! Come in!" I said, walking her to the livingroom. She sat down and looked straight at Zayn.

"Zayn?" She said, waving her arms around. I chuckled as he nodded his head giving her a hello. Dakota looked back at me with a smile and laid on the couch.

"I'm sooooooo bored!" She sighed, leaning her head back.

"I'll save you!" I heard Louis yell, a superman impression flooding his tone. He then came running in full speed, jumping onto the couch next to Dakota wearing an orange beanie. He slowly took the ends of the jaw strings attached to the cap and placed them on either sides of her face. She gave me a confused look, I just shrugged my shoulders. Then louis started singing. "Don't ya wish ya girlfriend was hot like me." He sang, moving the strings around her face. She giggled as Louis kept on doing obnoxious things, Zayn taking no notice of why was happening right in front of him, his eyes glued to the book.

This is going to be a long day.









Okie byeeee


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