Episode 56 "The Cinderella in the Cardboard" Part 1

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Cam then interrupted our conversation, "Let's get this remains off then you two could continue talking about your wedding later." I blushed at her comment and did a little whine, "That wasn't funny Cam." She laughs as we leave to get the supplies. Wendell and I are in the front holding a metal board as Angie was in the back with someone else  as Cam and Hodgins were in the front as Wendell says to me, "I used to work at Anthony's Famous in Georgetown." Hodgins then says, "Oh, that is some seriously good pizza." "The secret is the crust. It's all in the crust." Cam then asks, "Does this relate to our victim at all?" Wendell then says, "This is basically how we get the pizza out of the oven. And every pie was perfect. Everybody ready?" I nod as I look over at Angie seeing the disgust look in her face, "You all right Angie?" "This is so far out of my job description, it's not even funny." I nod as Hodgins then says, "Okay, we are in." Cam then says, "Mm, she's sticking." Wendell then says, "It was always tough getting the pie out. The cheese would bubble over onto the oven and stick. The pie could break apart. I wouldn't serve a pie like that." I then say, "You're making it sound like the pie is from another world... I would like to try one of those." Cam then says, "Can we save your war stories for a more appropriate time, Mr. Bray?" I chuckle as Wendell nods, "Yeah." Cam then says, "Careful. Careful of the skull. Yeah. Perfect."

I then ask Wendell once we got the body to stick off, "Is this how you would server?" He nods, "Yes, that's something I'd serve." They all look at us as Wendell continued, "If she were a pizza, which she's not. So-so, I'll-I'll stop now." I chuckle as Hodgins says, "Ready?" We lift the victim up moving her to another table as I say, "Carefully. Careful." Wendell then asks Cam, "Can I remove the flesh?" "Knock yourself out." Everyone leaves except for Wendell and I as I look at the body nodding, "It looks like it won't take more than five hours to clean them off." He nods, "Yeah, I already have the big pot boiling before we did this." I chuckle, "You already knew that you were going to clean it  before hand didn't you." "No, I was just taking precautions only." "I see. Let me help you take the body to boiling pot." He nods as he was about to say something, but my phone rings again as I answer it, "Hello... Hi Vincent... Sure I could do lunch with you in about 30 minutes if your fine with that..." What I did not pay attention to is Wendell looking at me curiously with a bit of a sour look wanting to know who Vincent was that was taking me out for lunch. I then say, "All right, see you soon then, bye." 

I hang up as Wendell then asks, "So, who's this Vincent taking you out for lunch?" I look at him and smile a bit, "He's one of the grad-student that is in rotation with you and the other grads, a very nice person and has many random facts to bring up in any situation. It's real funny and interesting most of the time." Wendell felt a bit of jealousy as he then says, "Did you know that Mr. Potato head was the first toy to ever feature in a television ad." I looked at him a bit surprised but chuckled a bit, "No. I didn't know that. It seems that you even have your own random facts to reveal, huh?" "Only when needed." I nod, "I see. Well, let's get this body in the boiler so we could go get lunch." Wendell looked a bit confused, "We?" I nod, "Yeah. I did say that I was going to bring you with me for lunch. Do you have something else to do for the next hour?" "Uh, no." "Then you will be having lunch with us." "I thought you wanted to have some time with each other." I looked at him confused, "What? No, he's being punished by buying me lunch for two weeks and right now is the second week." "What did he do?" I chuckled a bit as we start transporting the body to the boiling pot in the grad students room, "Well, it was him and Hodgins that caused the trouble. The first time they left me out of an experiment and I was there when they caused a huge explosion in the room. I tried to let that one slide, but the second time they had done another experiment without me and dropped a turkey that was liquid nitrogen from the second floor causing it to bounce and hit me straight in the face knocking me out." 

He looked a bit shocked, "That's a lot happening within a day." I nod, "Yes, Hodgins got a much worse punishment then Vincent since he broke a promise." "What punishment did Hodgins get?" I chuckle thinking what happened to him that day as I give Wendell a smirk putting a finger to my lips and winking at him, "That's a secret to be revealed soon. Don't worry about it to much." We had finished putting the body parts in the boiler as Wendell shuts it tight to let the flesh remove from the bones as we left to get lunch with Vincent.

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