𝟐𝟑. 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

Start from the beginning

"Hold on for a moment for me." Daphne begs because she knew if the Kwami starts coming out, she will be weak to defend herself if one of them manage to come in her room.

Cat noir closed his eyes his staff ready on his hands making his way to the living room, his bracelet which had Daphne's magic helped him with recognizing dark magic. It was a great help specially helping him find the unwanted guests who have dark magic, it seems that they weren't afraid to be found by their magic unlike last time.

He snaps his fingers the bracelet glowing yellow and with that the lights on the house turn off making the unwanted guests turn on their night vision and look at each other with a nod.

Jinx kicks the door open with her foot breaking it in the process, she takes out a staff and headed through the hallway to look for the queen on the second floor. Diaspro walks after her holding up two knifes one on each hand cover in poison her speciality.

Cat noir clench the staff on his hands hearing their footsteps about to pass by him. Daphne bites her finger feeling another pain erupt on her stomach not wanting them to hear where she is after Cat noir had come back quick to moved her somewhere safe when he turned the lights off.

"Queen! We have arrive, ready to meet our lord!" Jinx shouts through the house her voice sounding with excitement and crazy,  her laugh echoing. "You should be honor! To have our lord's attention on you, I know I would."

Cat noir could hear the cloak ticking and the tense could be felt anywhere you were. He saw them stop making him get ready and the two girls smile at him finally noticing him.

"Oh! If it isn't cat boy." Diaspro said with a smirk but Cat noir just glares at them, they didn't expect him to disappear in front of them and they turn around in surprise as Cat noir comes behind them hitting them both on the face with his staff.

Both girls get thrown on a furniture breaking in the process, Diaspro gets up with anger wiping the blood from her lips.

"You get the queen while I handle him." She orders and Jinx grins at her. "You got it!" Jinx was about to take off when another Cat noir appeared in front of her with a glare making Jinx look at the original Cat noir and the other copy.

"Okay, I'm confused." Jinx said and Diaspro rolled her eyes. "You idiot! It's because he has the Queen's magic." She said and Jinx made an oh sound and giggles.

"Let's see how real this is." Jinx said and made a dash towards the copy and the copy Cat noir moves out of the way and kick his leg up making an impact on her stomach. The copy grabs her lag and spins her around as he does this he throws her to a wall into the dining room, he gives the original Cat noir a thumbs up and goes to fight Jinx.

"You guys became more bold in attacking the house, let me guess." Cat noir said and dash towards Diaspro who dodged his attacks. "His getting desperate." He said and jumps out of the way on time to avoid the knife by her.

"You could say that." She said and kicks him on the chest which he had grabbed on time and flip her over, throwing her right back on the ground. She drops her knifes and groans feeling something pop on her back, she didn't have time to recover when Cat noir brought his leg down to step on her stomach making Diaspro move out of the way quick.

She was on her knees and saw her knife a few feet away from her and looks at Cat noir which he had notice the knife. Cat noir didn't let her get the knife hitting her with his staff extending it right on the face and he retrieves it back when he got close to her hitting her again on the stomach.

"That's what you guys get for being to desperate." Cat noir said as he made sure to take the knifes away from her and throws them outside the window. He looks to the kitchen where his copy was fighting Jinx making his way to the kitchen.

Jinx screams as she was hit on the face with the copy's staff landing on the middle of the counter kitchen and saw a plate making her grin. Jinx grabs the plate and smashed it on his face making him groan not seeing her kick and he gets thrown on the dining table breaking it, her smiles was wiped from her face when the real Cat noir comes towards her pushing her to the other side of the middle counter with his body both landing on the ground.

She quickly gets up picking up her staff beside her which was thrown here when she was fighting the copy and Cat noir does the same both of them holding their stare. Jinx giggles as she runs towards him and Cat noir was going to attack her when Jinx ducks down and kick his back but gasps when ropes were wrapped around her coming out of nowhere and lands on her back.

"Aw man!" Jinx said with a whine but looks at him. "Did you take out Diaspro?" She asked making Cat noir confused but nods.

"Aw that's so sad and I lasted more than her, pff and she has the audacity to tell me I'm lacking strength." Jinx said and chants something. "Bye bye, cat boy." She said as her body starts to disappear in a red and black vortex.

"Maybe a next time." She said and Cat noir goes to grab her but he sighs when she disappears completely. As he made his way back to Daphne he saw that Diaspro also left and Cat noir quickly made his way to Daphne's room hearing her scream he opens it only for him to hide his face from the bright light.

"Daphne!" Cat noir said as he de transformed and Plagg smiles. "They're here." Plagg said looking excited to see their new brother/sister making Adrien look at Daphne in worried wanting to hold her hand but the light was preventing him from coming any further like it was burning for him if he got close.

Note: As you guys noticed I change the chapter from season 4 and 5 to only season 4 because I actually thought of an ending of season 4 and having it continue with Valtor and Daphne series, so no I won't be doing season 5

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Note: As you guys noticed I change the chapter from season 4 and 5 to only season 4 because I actually thought of an ending of season 4 and having it continue with Valtor and Daphne series, so no I won't be doing season 5.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now