Chapter 9

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Riptide by Sick Puppies

I, I won't justify
The way I live my life
'Cause I'm the one livin' it
Feelin' it, tastin' it
And you're just wasting your time
Trying to throw me a line
When you're the one drowning
I like where I'm at on my back
Floating down in my own riptide
The water is fine

Sry I couldn't help it. I had to put those lyrics :)

anyways new chapter pretty early.



Chapter 9

Isabelle’s POV

“What’s your name?” I asked the blond haired one. He had on a tan colored tight t-shirt and a pair of shorts. His green skateboard was dangling by his arm at his side. He seemed no older than sixteen.

“Oliver.” He grinned.

“Oli. Cute name.” I complimented him. “I’m Isabelle.”

He looked me up and down as if assessing me. “Nice outfit.”

“Thanks. I felt like going all out today.”

“I see that.” He laughed. And it was a nice laugh too, but not as good as Ash’s…

Ash groaned inwardly beside me. “I didn’t come to see you flirt, Iz. Actually, I have no idea why I’m here in the first—Hey! Eyes up here, kid.”

I smirked. “It’s crazy how men always look at a girl’s boobs when they first meet them…”

Oliver blushed while Ash just rolled his eyes. “Why did you bring me here, Iz?”

“To skate. Remember we used to skate all the time in middle school.” I looked over a Oliver with a flirtatious smile. “Can we borrow your skateboard?”

“Eh, I don’t know…”

“Come on.” I pouted cutely. “If you do, I’ll give you a kiss.”

“Izzy—“ I smacked Ash’s chest to get him to shut up. He did, along with a groan of annoyance.

Oliver’s eyes flickered. “Really?” I nodded. “Okay. But it has to be at least five seconds and no lying to me and giving me an actual kiss candy.”

Damn. He knows all the tricks. He must have been played a lot. “Deal. Pucker up.” When he closed his eyes, I kissed his cheek for a good five seconds. He had started to pull away during that five seconds to protest, but I only grabbed hard on his arms. I leaned away with a smile. “Now the skateboard.”

“That wasn’t fair.”

“Nothings fair when you’re dealing with a chick that’s years older than you, kid.” I snatched the board out of his hands. “I’ll give you this back in a little while. Thanks.” I grabbed Ash’s hand and pulled him towards the skating area.

“Did you seriously just steal his skateboard?”

We stopped just outside the area. I glanced up at Ash to find a smirk plastered on his face. “I won it fair and square. It’s not my fault the kid’s not good at negotiations.” I grinned back at him.

“Right. Whatever. Let’s just skate.” When he reached over to take the board from my hands, his fingers brushed over mine making my hand all tingly. I looked up at him, just as he looked down at me. Both our lips were parted as if we were about to say something.

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