The beginning of the end

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Walking into the courthouse, the simple off-white walls take me back to all the other times I've been in here over the past two years. I was lost in my little world, looking at the crown molding and trying my hardest to toon out my nagging mother.
"How many times will I have to tell you this," she said; "You can't act out anymore, you're 16 now; you have to act like it."

I nod like I did every other time she starts in with the whole "act your age" speech. I'll never understand that. I've never been this age before; how am I supposed to act?

"Are you even listening to me?" she yells. "Tess, look at me right now!"

"Yes,” I say, “ I hear you; I heard you the first time and the other times as well."

"Teresa Moore?" a woman with white hair stood over me with questioning eyes; she looked in her mid-60s but still gave me the feeling of authority.
I straighten myself and responded, "Yes?"

she smiles sweetly and said, "Please follow me."

giving my mother one last look I follow her to the far wall and up the stairs. I see my friends at the end of the hall and yell, "The party's here, pull out the streamers and let's get this thing going!" I laugh and make an odd move somewhere between a spin and a bow.

Luke was the first to say anything, "Ah, look who finally showed up." He messed up my strawberry blond hair and pulled my hood over my head, just like he always does.

 "Hey!" I yelled, ducking away before he could do it again, "Watch it!"

Nova was next to say something, "I told you it was a bad idea, it wasnt as planed out as our usual plan, but no we got bored and just had to do it."

I don't argue with her, it is more or less my fault we are here. I always plan things out and make sure we don't get caught, but with the school, it was a split-second decision. That's why we got caught, one of the teachers stayed after way longer than I thought she would.

Alex spoke up in a low whisper, "Guys, someone is at the end of the hall, looking at us."

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