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all my life I have been beaten down or told that I wasn't enough, that I needed to improve myself if I wanted a man to love me. though, that wasn't always the case. my father tried to make me someone I wasn't, I was always cast out of everything, parties, movie nights, even road trips. my father didn't see me as his daughter, he saw me as a toy, or someone to take his anger out on. 

My mother left when I was only 6, she had enough of my fathers bullshit, which I dint blame her. I had enough and when I was 17, I ran. 

he was out drinking with his buddies, my brother, who is older than me, and my fathers pride and joy, was out with his friends. it was perfect for me to go and make a run for it. I already had my bags packed the night before, so I could just grab them and leave. Once my father left I waited till his car left the driveway and grabbed my bags running out of the house like there was some sort of monster trying to eat me, but in this case, I was running from my father. 

my father always told me that my mother left because of me, I knew he was lying, o knew it was all complete and utter bullshit, to drag me down. 

once I left the house, I had no sense of direction, I had no friends, no where to go, I didn't know where my mother went so its not like I can stay with her. I didn't even have a car nor a license. it was rough, I ran away, yet, I didn't have no plan on where I would go. I cant go to the police, given, my dad is friends with all of them. "homeless it is.." I whispered to myself softly

I reach my hand out and look up "god fucking damnit" I said to myself as it started to downpour rain. I sighed and hauled my belongings to the nearest motel, hopefully they will let me stay for what I have, and until I get onto my feet again.

I arrived at the hotel, it wasn't a five star hotel, but it wasn't ghetto either, it was more in between. a little broken down, the sign had a few broken lights and was flickering, but it has a bed, tv, and a place to make food, so its good enough for me. I walk inside, my bags and all, and go up to the young lady at the reception desk. "hey uh.."I itched the back off my neck

"im a runaway, if I'm being honest, my dad was very abusive towards me, I have no friends, mom is MIA, and I only have a 20, is there anything you can do?" I asked, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, god this was embarrassing. she just looked at me for a few seconds "I used to be like you" she said softly, and grabbed a key "here." she handed me the key to room "205" 

"I was a runaway too, and no body helped me. so here, stay as long as you want, for free." I wanted to start crying, I raised a hand to feel that yes, I am in fact crying. I take the key slowly "th-thank you so much..." I sniffed, grabbing my bags, the lady walked around the counter 

"let me help with your bags" she smiled up at me, with that contagious smile, her perfect white teeth, and her adorable dimples, her eyes are like an ocean blue, her hair long and straight. blonde and bright like the sun. she had freckles that aligned across her nose. I smiled back at her and let her help me with my bags 

we reach the room and I unlock it, going inside and dropping my bags, the lady followed behind me and put my bags down "Name's Carla" she wrote her number on a napkin "here, text or call if you beed anything" I just took the nakin shyly 

"will do, and my name is Edith" Carla nodded and left the room, I put my bags in the corner of the room and plopped down on the bed. Oh I can get used to this.... 

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