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  "You what?!"

  Dempsey pulls the phone away from her ear as Conor screams through the line. She'd expected that type of reaction when she admitted to getting a new dog. However, the shriek came when she'd mentioned the exchange of the "L" word. 

  "This is freaking huge, Demi!"

  "Tell me something I don't already know," she admits to her sister. 

  While Dempsey had allowed herself to fully let go and walk right into the arms of Captain America himself, she still felt like everything could implode just as easily as everything began to build. It seemed easy for them. And anytime she'd mentioned it to Chris over the last few days, he reminds her that it's because she looks at him as a normal guy. If they can keep it that way, this could really go someplace.

  At least that's where she has to keep her mind. 

  She's in no way picking out china patterns, or mindlessly doodling her name with his last name during faculty meetings. But then again, he gave her a piece of him that is of such great importance that she can't deny that maybe he's thinking about the possibility of an actual future together.

  Or he wants a classical Hollywood Bachelor life in which he never actually makes an honest woman out of anyone. 

  Who's to say he doesn't pass that necklace around like a hookah? 

  Maybe he has multiples that he passes on to each girl, never asking for it to be returned, and the entire female fandom thinks he only has the one around his neck. 

  Dempsey's mother's words are on an annoying repeat. A constant battle of wanting to live in this happiness, with nothing but a looming dread hanging over her all because of her mother's words. And she just can't shake them.

  Maybe if she had an honest conversation with Chris about her mother's concerns. How she completely blew up while he was on his press tour, flooring both of her daughters by her actions and words. 

  But, would that conversation only dampen the whole situation itself? Would Chris realize all the things her mother is saying as correct? Would he just give confirmation that this is only going to last until another starlet catches his eye, or lips, in a scene?

  Whatever happened to dating with a sense of freedom? Of just wanting to be lost in one another, unaware or uncaring of what other people thought about the situation? 

  And then she remembers. 

  She's 36. 

  Any hope of dating without constantly worrying this was 'the one' had long gone out the window and returned with eye cream and yearly mammograms. 

  "So what now?" Conor breaks into her sister's thought process. 

  "What do you mean?"

  "What's next?" she practically squeals in her ear again.

  Dempsey knew she couldn't keep everything a secret from her sister, knowing that this would also eventually involve her mother knowing as well. She takes a deep breath, and just lets the words ramble right off of her tongue. "I'm going with him to the Golden Globes next weekend."

  The line goes silent, but not for long before Conor is screaming out. And apparently it's loud enough to warrant concern from the teenager in her home, his voice barely noticeable as the sister continues her enthusiastic rant. 

  Dempsey's breath catches a bit at her sister's next words. "So you're officially going public then?"

  "Yeah, I suppose so." She knew this was the case, especially when Chris had mentioned how thrilled he was to finally show her off to his world.

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